Elizabeth's Boyfriend

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Following Wednesday

Florence left the house with her daughter as 2:45 p.m., ten minutes after Severus had gone to the castle; with her large pregnant belly glamoured, she walked slowly down Hogsmeade main street with Elizabeth by her side, barely believing she was taking her to a date - with Draco Malfoy of all people!

"Where will you two meet, Liz?"

"At Florean Fortescue, mum."

Florence looked at her, a little surprised, "You'll have ice cream in this cold day?"

"No. They've got a whole new winter menu! With hot cocoa and warm desserts. James said it's even better than Madam Asterope's!"

"Really? I think I'll try it, then."

They were about to walk into the ice cream parlour when Florence suddenly held her daughter's arm, stopping her.

"Liz, I won't be able to walk in there with you."

"Why not?"

"I've just seen Narcissa Malfoy through the window. She knows I don't have any siblings. She'll take one look at you and she'll know you're my daughter and who your father is. I'll wait for you at Madam Malkin's, ok?"

"All right."

"I'll have tea with Susan and maybe buy some things for Sophie."

Elizabeth huffed finding that absurd, "More clothes for Sophie? Mum, if you keep buying her things, soon she'll have more clothes and accessories than I!"

Florence rolled her eyes at her drama, "Liz, when you were a child you had more clothes than I ever did."

"I still have more clothes than you!" the girl replied, smugly.

Florence shook her head and smiled – Elizabeth and her love for material things.

She kissed the girl's forehead, "You have two hours. Go inside, Narcissa is no longer at his table. Draco's waiting for you. Remember all we've talked, all right?"

"Yes, mum."

Florence saw Narcissa Malfoy sitting at a table away from Draco, but still close enough that she could take a good look at the girl he had gone there to meet.


Draco was looking anxiously at the door, starting to regret having sent the beautiful Miss Delacour a letter for the fear of rejection was nearly paralyzing.

He sent his mother away from his table and allowed himself to fidget (a habit Narcissa Malfoy abhorred).

The bell over the ice-cream parlour's front door chimed and Draco looked up – but it wasn't Elizabeth arriving.

What if she doesn't come? Or worse: what if she does just to tell me I am an idiot and should fuck off?

He knew his family name wasn't as welcomed and respected as it had been once.

Since his father had been removed from the Board of Governors two years before, some important families had shunned them – at least according to what he had overheard his mother say to a friend just a week ago.

His mother; Narcissa was very excited he was meeting a girl who attended Beauxbatons, since that was an expensive and fancy European school where social status was taken into consideration when one sat at a table to share a meal with others.

What if Elizabeth has heard about our loss of social relevance and decided not to show up?

He didn't really know her, she hadn't seemed to be that shallow, but he couldn't be certain.

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