Justifiable Apprehension

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Note: this is another glimpse at the Snape family dynamics. They're so adorable, I could write so many scenes about them doing the most ordinary things (but I fear I'd bore you all). We also see some war-related problems.

Next chapter we have the Quidditch Cup and then things will start to change.


July 1994

Snapes' family home

It was early morning and Severus turned in bed, patting the mattress with his eyes closed, looking for his wife, but her side was empty and cold.

He looked around the room, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Florence?" he called.

She didn't reply, but the sounds coming from the bathroom let him know where she was and exactly what had taken her out of bed.

He let out a worried breath as he listened to her getting sick; something wasn't right with Florence and it wasn't just her veela's instability due to the pregnancy. She was sleeping too much, vomiting more than twice a day, and fainting. Not to mention her last Wiggenweld batch which had turned out less powerful than usual.

Severus sat up on the bed and looked at the bathroom door, waiting for her to show up - which didn't take long.

"Hey, love," he said looking at her.

She didn't reply, leaning silently on the door frame.

Severus... He heard her weak whisper in his mind and he knew she was about to lose consciousness.

"Florence!" he exclaimed, running towards her, grabbing her just before she had hit the floor.

Fuck. He carried her to bed and tried to wake her up.

"C'mon, love," he whispered, touching her face, trying not to get desperate.

She slowly moved and blinked, looking at him with a soft frown, "What-"

"You passed out, love," he explained.

"Oh," she whispered, "You didn't let me fall," she smiled at him, "Thanks, Sev," she pulled his face to hers and kissed his lips.

He sat beside her and held her tightly, "You scared me, Flor."

"I'm fine, it was probably just a drop in pressure."

"This is not the first time that I see you faint," he carefully chose his words, knowing she might not like them, "That's a dangerous thing, love. Maybe you should talk to Pomfrey..."

And as he had feared, his soft-spoken words of concern suddenly inflamed her and Florence snapped at him: "I'm a healer myself, Severus! I'm just pregnant! Some dizziness is expected."

"I know, Flor, but it can't hurt to ask her-"

"Let go of me!" she suddenly pushed him away.

He stood and stopped trying to sound sweet: "I'll ask Poppy to come here."

"You'll do no such thing!" she shouted, "I'm fine!"

He stared at her, it was clear she wasn't herself that morning – her light-green eyes made it clear that her veela was close to the surface and he knew if he insisted on arguing with her, he could get hurt.

"Fine, Florence!" he pretended to accept her decision, "I won't ask her to come see you!" he looked at her on the bed with her eyes closed; in days like that he felt like he was sharing a room with a nesting Horntail ready to roast him at any wrong move.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon