The Next Step

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April 29th, 1998

The twins slept peacefully in their crib while Florence enjoyed a cup of tea and a slice of lemon tart in bed after dinner, her mind focused on the sounds she could hear coming from the bathroom – especially the sound of water falling down her husband's naked body before hitting the tiled floor.

I think I'll go in there to watch you showering... she told him through their bond.

Severus chuckled: We both know you won't just watch, love.

I'm a healer too, you know? I'm pretty sure I can declare myself fully healed just as well as Poppy.

And I'm pretty sure you can't legally do that.

Florence fell silent and pursed her lips – he was right, she couldn't.

But no one will know. She tried.

I will. And I will not do anything that can potentially harm you, love.

I won't break, Severus! She said, angrily.

I know you won't, Florence, but I also know the kind of sex you want – and you need to be fully healed for that.

One more week, husband. And then I'm getting you. She growled.

I can't wait, princess, I'm dying to shut that damn veela up; she keeps sending me images of your sexy cunt dripping for me- He sucked in air through his teeth. And I swear your delicious vanilla scent is getting more intense... it is driving me insane.

She smiled, sensing his sexual frustration.

It serves you well. She replied. Payback for all the times you walked around this room half-naked and dripping wet.

He just chuckled.

Florence finished her tea and sent the tray back to the kitchen.

But something suddenly had her in high alert.

She could sense an unexpected, but familiar, presence in the house.

Severus, she called through their bond, her eyes on the door, as if expecting someone to burst into the room any minute. Did you feel that?

Yes. I felt it too, love. He replied, turning off the shower. You'd better not be going out there alone!

He quickly opened the bathroom door, dressed in joggers, and whisper-shouted: "Of course you are. Get away from that door, Florence!"

But she had already opened it and stood in the threshold, trying to hear something, but there were no sounds around the house.

"There's no way father is here and the house is this quiet," she said, ignoring his order and walking out into the corridor.

Severus put on a long-sleeved black shirt and ran after her, agreeing: "Yes. You're right. If your father were here, we'd be hearing curses and explosions."

"So that can only mean one thing..." she started, looking at him.

And he spoke at the same time as her: "Harry."

"I'll go down there," Severus said, seeing her immediately shake her head, "'No' what, Florence?" he asked, annoyed.

"WE are going down there – together," she said, transfigurating her nightgown into a long-sleeved dress with a flick of her wand, "I'm fully healed, husband. It's been over a month. Don't even try to stop me."

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now