Brewing Trouble

229 3 5

October 1996

Florence walked into her husband's private lab a little before noon one morning and stopped at the door. There was someone in there, someone who looked exactly like her husband did twenty years ago.


"Hey, mum," he smiled, "Did I scare you?"

"Scare wouldn't be the right word," she chuckled as she walked to him, "You certainly surprised me," she laid a kiss on his cheek when he stopped stirring, "Why are you here, love?"

"Dad's testing me. He gave me four basic potions to brew, but he wants to monitor my progress and technique not just the end results. He's popping in between classes."

"And why are you wearing all black, James?" she asked, already imagining the reason for he never wore black from head to toe, James was a blue jeans and white shirt guy.

"Why, mum," he smirked, "To mess with the students, of course. There were two here a couple of minutes ago."

Then Severus appeared at the door that led to the potions classroom, "What did you say to them, James?"

"That I – in this case you," he pointed his father, "had found a way to look young again. They said they didn't understand, so I called them stupid and threatened to take fifty points from their House if they didn't vanish – they were Hufflepuffs by the way."

Florence couldn't contain her laughter, "That's be exactly what you'd say, Severus!"

"Yes," he replied, smiling, "Maybe I'll keep you here as my assistant, son."

Hey. Florence said through their bond, looking at him up and down. I like being your assistant.

Severus looked at her with a smirk, You'll be promoted to Bedroom Assistant, Madam Delacour.

James rolled his eyes, knowing they were silently flirting, "If that's what I'll be subjected to, no thanks."

Florence tilted her head, "One would think you'd like the idea of being under the same roof as your girlfriend."

That caught his attention: "Now, that's an interesting point of view, mum."

It was Severus' turn to roll his eyes, "As long as you don't fuck her on my books again," he stopped beside his son, observing what he had done already.

"Can't promise that, dad," James replied, "For I've got no intention on fucking her in your bedroom," he shivered in disgust, "Fucking on where you might have conceived some of us is not a sexy thought."

Severus stopped analysing what he had done so far and looked at him, "I'll get you your own bedroom here," then he smirked, "However, none of you were conceived in the dungeons."

But Florence corrected him: "Christopher was. Over an Amortentia cauldron that you made me finish."

"Alright!" exclaimed James, "TMI, people! Geez."


Next day

Great Hall

Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table to have lunch by herself.

Harry was somewhere reading his stupid potions book and Ron was with Lavender Brown.

"Did you hear?" whispered Neville Longbottom sitting across from her, "People are saying Prof. Snape found a way to make a youth potion to rejuvenate twenty years!"

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin