James' Heart

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January 1995

James woke up one morning and turned on his bed, feeling so deliciously warm and comfortable that he hummed a sigh and smiled against his pillow; being home always filled him with peace and contentment. Nothing was better than being home, in the room he shared with his brother, looking forward to Tiffany's amazing food and a great day out with friends.

He knew all of that would soon change, be it for the war or the completion of his studies at Durmstrang.

"Just one more year in school," he heard Nick say, realising then that his brother had probably caught glimpses of his musings.

"Yeah. Just one more," James repeated, crossing his arms behind his back and staring at the ceiling above his bed, "What do you reckon you will do afterwards?"

"Study Charms. I want to become a Charms Master," said Nicholas, with certainty, "And you?"

"Probably a Potions Master, like dad."

Neither of them spoke for nearly a minute, both feeling a heavy weight of apprehension in their chest as they reached the same conclusion – and Nicholas was the one who voiced it: "So I guess we'll be going to different places then."

James silently nodded, frowning. It was hard to imagine life away from his twin brother, they were used to always having the other around. It wouldn't be easy to not have him. Maybe he could consider studying Charms as well – he liked it just as much as Potions after all.

"We'll be fine, Jamie. We've spent whole days away from each other already," Nick tried to reassure him.

"Yeah, of course. It'll actually be a blessing to not have to look at your ugly mug every day," James joked.

"Right," Nick snorted, "There won't be mirrors at the Potions School, then," he sat up and yawned, his eyes falling on something on his brother's nightstand, "Look, you got a letter."

James sat up quickly and smiled as he recognised the wax seal.

"Flourish and Blotts?" asked Nick, recognising the logo on the envelope, "What book have you ordered?"

"Not a book," James ripped the seal and unfolded the letter, "Since I saw on the paper that Dumb-Krum took Hermione Granger to the Yule Ball, I feel like I need to see her again."

Nicholas shook his head, "She's just fourteen, mate. I'm well aware of the things you like... she'd run away screaming before you ever have the chance to explain what a 'flogging' is."

"I'm just taking her out for tea, Nick. I want to make her see Dumb-Krum is not the man for her."

"And you are?" Nicholas asked skeptically.

James put the open letter on his nightstand and got out of bed, "I just want to talk to her... watch her skin flush as I stare at her, imagine how far down her neck that blush goes."

Nicholas grimaced, "And you say mum and dad are gross; I already know enough about your sex-life, mate."

James chuckled and got dressed, continuing: "Granger is too... precious to be wasting her time with that wanker."

"And you think you're just what she needs?" Nick added, smirking, "How humble."

James narrowed his eyes at his brother, refusing to admit he was being presumptious, "Whatever. I just feel that I need to talk to her, see her again," he put on his dragonhide boots, "Anyway, mum and dad are always saying Granger is a bookworm, so I bribed the owner of the Diagon's bookshop to let me know when she would be there. And it paid off. He just wrote to tell me she will be there picking up three books this morning," James fixed his hair in the ensuite bathroom and picked up his coat, "I'll take her for breakfast at the tea house in front of the bookstore."

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