No more Bad but No more Pad

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 Second week of June, 1996

The fifth-year students from all four houses were in the Astronomy Tower, sitting their Astronomy O.W.L.s when a loud 'BANG' got their attention and they all turned theirs telescopes towards the sound.

Hermione was the first one to find out what was happening, and she let out a loud gasp: "They're arresting Hagrid!"

The door of the half-giant's house had been burst open out of its hinges and he walked out roaring angrily and brandishing his fists, ready to physically engage whoever was there to get him.

"Umbridge is there!" Pansy Parkinson exclaimed, finally finding the Hut with her telescope.

"And five aurors!" said Neville Longbottom.

It seemed like Umbridge was talking and Hagrid shook his head to whatever she was saying. Then the Headmistress pointed her wand at him – and so did the five aurors – causing Fangs, Hagrid's Great Dane, to attack them in his owner's defence.

At this point, the Ministry appointed Astronomy O.W.L.s evaluator threatened to cancel the students' tests if they didn't point their telescopes back to the skies; but no one paid her any attention, their eyes glued to their telescopes and on the fight happening in the school grounds.

Hagrid gave out such a loud infuriated yell as Fang fell hurt onto the dirt that the students could hear it all the way up in the Tower.

"What is going on in this school?" asked the evaluator, pushing a student away from a telescope to look at the situation herself.

Hagrid lifted the Auror who had stunned his dog and threw him onto the ground – from where the man didn't get up, simply lying there, unmoving.

Next, a red ray of light shot from another auror's wand towards Hagrid, but it just bounced off of him, hitting the wall of his Hut and only serving to make the half-giant even madder.

Hagrid picked up the fallen auror and threw him at two other aurors.

"Look!" exclaimed Harry, "Professor McGonagall is going there to stop it!"

They all watched their Transfiguration teacher shouting at Umbridge – although they couldn't hear what was being said.

But what they saw next had even the Slytherins freezing in shock.

The two aurors still standing and Umbridge responded to McGonagall's interference by stunning her – all three at the same time.

The students in the Tower fell silent as McGonagall's body hit the ground and she didn't move anymore.

"COWARDS! RUDDY COWARDS!" they heard Hagrid, now in a full rage, screaming at Umbridge and the aurors.

They all stared at the fallen body of their teacher as Hagrid took that moment to run towards Fang and scoop him into his arms, running away into the Forbidden Forest.

Umbridge shouted something they couldn't hear and tried to hit Hagrid once more – missing completely for he was gone amongst the trees.

The O.W.L.s evaluator cleared her throat and asked Parvati Patil to go to the infirmary to let Madam Pomfrey know what had happened.


Snapes' family home

Sophie was lying on her little princess bed as her mother caressed her soft caramel-coloured hair and sang her a lullaby.

Florence smiled at her sweet baby daughter, enjoying those moments, for soon the war would get worse and she knew she wouldn't be able to spend as much time with her as she'd like – and kids grew so fast.

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