Jealousy & Wands

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December 1996

Snapes' family home

The day after Christmas, Florence spent her evening in the downstairs lab, brewing alone, her hair up in a bun and her blood boiling in anger just like the Wiggenweld Potion in the cauldron in front of her.

She had spent a few hours in Hogwarts earlier that day, where she'd cared for Katie Bell. The girl hadn't woken up yet, but at least was showing promising signs of improvement.

Meanwhile, Severus had been helping Prof. McGonagall interview everybody who had been inside the Three Broomsticks on the day Katie got cursed.

And who was the owner of that pub? Cassiopeia Rosmerta, the damned bitch.

Florence heard the lab door being opened and didn't need to look up to know it was her husband arriving.

Severus walked into the lab and closed the door, slowly walking down the stairs.

"Evening, love," he smirked, sensing her irritation and knowing the reason for that without needing to ask.

"How is Cassie?" Florence asked, bitterly.

"Oh, Cassie is recovering just fine," he repeated the name just to annoy his wife, "We were able to find out that Draco cast an Imperius curse on poor Cassie," he said the woman's name again and Florence narrowed her eyes at him, "And she was the one who cast an Imperius on Miss Bell. The plan was to have the girl give the necklace to Filch, saying it was from Cassie, thus going around Albus's Secrecy Sensor and the Castle's own protections against curses."

"Say her name again and I'll hex you," she growled.

He just chuckled, removing his coat.

"Such a stupid plan," Florence commented, "It proves that Draco is indeed nothing more than a child."

"He's getting desperate, Florence. And that makes the boy dangerous, child or not."

She just made a sound in agreement, her back still turned to him; anger and jealousy coming off of her in waves through their bond.

Severus removed his jumper and walked towards her.

"I bet your eyes are as light as the jade in your necklace," he said softly, stopping behind her, his body flush against her back; he kissed her exposed neck, slowly, making her tremble, "You're so angry, love."

"You bet your arse I am angry!"

He kissed the other side of her neck, biting lightly at the curve of her shoulder.

"You know I'm all yours," he whispered.

"But that bitch likes to ignore that!" she let out an angry huff, "I bet she needed your help during the interview, and probably tripped and fell into your arms! My veela can smell her in your clothes! She rubbed against you!" she ended, accusingly.

"Well, you are right in all accounts."

Florence stopped mixing the potion, too furious to focus. For the first time in years her veela was trying to take control over her – Need to prove he's mine – she heard her growl in her mind.

Severus forced Florence to turn around, his arms around her waist, holding her tightly against his body.

"Ah, there they are," he whispered, "The light-green eyes of danger..." he licked her lips, sucking on her bottom one.

Florence moved her hands under his shirt, caressing his abs, going up to his chest, as he invaded her mouth with his tongue and his hands unfastened his own jeans.

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