Hermes in the library

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Note: "Hermes" is the name of the ship Hermione x James. It's awful, but better than Jamione. Ugh.


Last week of June, 1996

Diagon Alley

Hermione Granger stood outside Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Shop, enjoying a sweet with her mother as they waited for her boyfriend – yes, her boyfriend! – to show up.

"How does he look like again?" asked Jean Granger, Hermione's mother.

"Tall, broad shoulders, long dark hair, dark eyes," Hermione replied, blushing at the other characteristics that her mind provided but that she would never speak out loud to her mother. Delicious soft lips, a sexy voice, firm elegant hands.

"Is that him?" her mother said, interrupting Hermione's unspeakable thoughts and pointing at someone amongst the crowd that walked up and down Diagon Alley.

Hermione looked up and smiled.

"Yes. That's him."

James looked at his beautiful clever girlfriend standing near the ice cream shop with her mother and walked towards them, greeting her mother first, as the suck-up Slytherin Hermione had accused him of being many many times.

"You must be Hermione's mother," he said, picking up Jean's hand and laying a kiss on it, "What a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Granger. Hope it's true what they say about girls turning into their mothers as they grow," he winked at her.

"Well," Jean blushed, "Thank you, James."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I told you he was a flirt, mum."

"Oh, but he's harmless, love," Jean replied, smiling, "A flirtatious man is so much better than a boring one – believe me. Your father can still make me laugh and blush even after all these years of marriage."

"Don't I know it," whispered Hermione, "It's embarrassing."

James laughed, "Just another thing we have on common, Mione!"

But she looked at him with a frown, "Your parents are not embarrassing."

James snorted: "Trust me, they can be disgustingly so."

"Hermione mentioned both your parents work at Hogwarts," commented Jean.

"Yes, Ma'am," he nodded, "A teacher and a healer."

"Healer? Oh, that's like a doctor, right?" Jean looked at Hermione for confirmation and her daughter nodded.

James added: "Mum's the best healer in the wizarding world. And dad's a Potions Master."

That had Jean frowning and looking at her daughter: "Wait. He's the son of that teacher?"

Hermione blushed and James looked at her with a smirk.

"Yes, mum," the girl replied, "And I told you my opinion on Prof. Snape has changed over the past two years."

James chuckled, "Don't worry, sweetheart, whatever you've called him, I've certainly called him worse."

"You don't have a good relationship with your father, James?" worried Jean.

"Oh, no! He's the best! But we've clashed a lot throughout the years. Not so much now, but it can still happen."

Jean nodded, understanding, "I'm glad Hermione is an atypical teenager. I don't know what I'd do with a rebel," she looked at the young couple, "I'll leave her under your care, then. And I'll expect her back home in time for dinner – and you'll dine with us tonight."

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