The Quidditch World Cup

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August 1994

Quidditch World Cup

The huge hilled site chosen for the Quidditch World Cup was covered by thousands of tents of all sizes and colours.

Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger were walking through the camps carrying water back to their tent, looking at the odd and excited people that had gone there to watch the final Quidditch match between Ireland and Bulgaria.

"Is it my eyes or everything turned green?" Ronald asked.

Hermione laughed, "It ain't your eyes, Ron. This is the Irish camping site."

Then Harry exclaimed: "Hey, look over there! It's Seamus!"

"Harry! Ron! Hermione!" their fire-prone classmate was shouting.


Right then, the Snape twins were walking through the Irish camping site and heard the boy calling the names of the famous Gryffindor trio.

"Hey, Nick. Look, Harry is there," James said.

"So we finally get to talk to the Boy-who-was-almost-our-brother! Let's go there!"

But James grabbed a hold of his brother's arm, stopping him, "Do you really think that's a good idea? He might run off screaming."

"Why?" asked Nicholas, confused.

James arched an eyebrow, copying their father's signature stare and then his brother understood:

"Damn, you're right."

"C'mon, let's keep looking for the guys who are placing bets. The redheaded twins Headmaster Karkaroff told us about."


After a long chat with Seamus Finnigan, the Gryffindor Trio was walking back to their camp, the boys struggling to carry one bucket of water each as they finally got within sight of their tent.

"Our firepit isn't lit yet," noticed Hermione.

"Dad's probably trying to use the matches agai-"

"Holy shit!" the girl gasped, as she looked at Fred and George and the other two boys talking to them, "They look just like Prof. Snape!" she said out loud.

"What? Who? Where?" asked Ron looking around, scared.

"Over there, near our tent!" she said, "Talking to your brothers, Ron!"

"Oh my Merlin!" Ronald sounded terrified, "Two more Snapes? Kill me now!"

"Where do you think they're from?" Harry asked, looking at the dark-haired twins with a frown, being filled by the same sense of familiarity he felt near Mediwitch Delacour.

"They surely study at Durmstrang," Hermione said, "We would have noticed if two copies of Prof. Snape were walking through Hogwarts."

"Do you think they're related to him?" asked Ron.

Hermione snorted, "Kind of impossible not to. They look too much like him, only..." more handsome. She added that last part to herself, staring at the taller of the two dark-haired twins and feeling something move in her stomach.


The trio reached the tent and Ronald quickly entered it, trying to put distance between himself and the dark-haired twins.

"If Neville were here, he'd be screaming," Harry murmured to Hermione.

The girl laughed, glancing at the twins and seeing the taller dark-haired one was looking at her with a smile. She was hit by that strange fluttering in her stomach again; with a surely flushed face, she averted her eyes.

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