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Next morning

Severus Snape woke up early, having planned on going to the library to study some more for his written Potions O.W.L.s before attending a Transfiguration class later that morning.

He got up and put on his uniform, smiling as he fixed his robes and recalled the previous evening feast - the sight of Lucius Malfoy being snubbed by the Durmstrang girl was one he would never forget.

Severus fixed his hair, put on his shoes, and picked up his school bag, walking out of the boys' dormitories and through the Common Room towards the exit door to start his morning studies, his mind already on the list books he was going to read in the library; but his feet stopped moving the moment his eyes saw Her - the Durmstrang half-veela - walking just a couple of meters in front of him, going to the exit door as well.

What the fuck is she still doing here?

And what was she wearing? Was that- the Slytherin uniform?

Yes, it was! And - damn - she looked good in the black, silver and green uniform.

Severus felt immediately disconcerted by her presence; but the way she, for some reason, affected him made him see red - no matter how epically she had put Malfoy in his place the night before, Severus Snape strived to always be in control, to never lose focus of what he'd have to do to make sure his future turned out to be exactly like he wanted.

Therefore, the way that female stranger stunned him and made him want to throw caution out the window with a simple smile on her soft-looking lips was not consistent with his plans.

"So," he scathingly said, "Durmstrang has moved in now?"

The girl stopped by the door to the corridor and turned around to look at him, sizing him up, clearly confused by that unexpected burst of unfriendliness.

"No," she said, yeing him warily, "But I have moved in. Got a problem with that?" then she continued on her way out of the common room, not giving him any time to answer.

Severus watched her walk down the corridor, immediately regretting his attitude, he even felt like running after her and apologising, for his mother had certainly taught him better than being rude to beautiful girls for no reason – but he quickly stifled that urge. He had to focus on his O.W.L.s, his future depended on him getting all 'Outstandings'.

Severus took a deep breath and left the Common Room, going to the library.

But as soon as he walked into the silence-filled room, his irritation returned with a vengeance: She was already there.


Florence noticed when the tall dark-haired teen (who had been rude to her twice before) walked into the library; she discreetly watched as he went towards the Potions bookshelves and spent a while looking at the books, apparently looking for a book that he couldn't find.

The librarian, who had introduced herself to Florence as Madam Pince, approached him.

"Need some help, Mr Snape?"

"Yes. I'm looking for Advanced Potions, the 120th edition. There's always one copy that must stay in the library."

"Yes, I'm aware of that, Mr Snape, being the librarian," Pince said in a sarcastic tone, "But I'm afraid Miss Delacour arrived here first and got it. Why don't you sit with her and you can study together. You could help her."

He growled something that Florence didn't understand, then he picked up some other books and sat at a table next to hers.


Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now