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Note: This chapter is mostly smut. No big story development here, just some family moments and the decades-old rivalry between Severus and Sirius that leads to a *very good* night to our dear Florence and her jealous husband.

If you like angry-Sev, this is for you.Enjoy!


Last week of December, 1995

It was a cold winter day but the snow had stopped falling that afternoon, so Florence took Christopher to the village's playground to play with other kids after lunch, taking little Sophie along in her stroller.

Going out with her two brown-haired kids gave Florence a fake sense of security; as they were protected by the spell she'd cast after Sophie had been born, anyone that looked at them wouldn't be able to say they were her and Severus's kids – they could think it, but the spell forbade them to say it.

Florence sat at a bench in the playground and opened her book to read, thinking after a while how perfect it would be if life could always be just like that – enjoying the Christmas break with her family and taking her younger babies to play with other kids.

She sighed, hoping one day they could have their fear-free life back.

She closed her book, unable to focus on what she was reading about the newly discovered properties of Dragonwort, looking at the other families around the playground, noticing that some of them had also taken their pets out for a walk.

That dog looks a lot like Padfoot. She thought when she saw a shaggy black dog near an empty bench.

The dog's eyes met hers and he walked to her, tail wagging happily.

"Padfoot?" Florence murmured as the dog walked closer to her.

He barked and laid his head on her lap, as if asking to be petted.

"I thought it was you," she smiled.

Then Sophie cooed and he turned to the stroller sniffing the baby-girl, who laughed when the dog licked her fingers, and she tried to grab his nose.

"She's the baby I was expecting that day we met at your house," Florence said, "My fifth baby."

The dog snorted.

"I can't speak with you when you're like this," she shook her head, "Let's go to my house..." the dog growled low and she understood, "He's not home yet. He'll only get home by dinnertime. Nick and James will be so happy to see you, they're home for the holidays."

The dog wigged his tail faster and nodded; so Florence called Chris and they walked back home.

"Whose dog is that, mum?" her son asked.

"That's Padfoot," she replied.

"Wow!" Chris looked at the dog, impressed, "That's a person?"

"Yes, Chris."


Once they walked into Florence's home, she asked Sirius: "Do you need clothes? Want to take a shower?"

Sirius nodded his dog head both times, so she went to the laundry room and grabbed a sweater and a pair of jeans of the twins, putting those in the downstairs bathroom with a clean towel and Sirius went in to take a shower and get dressed.

After some minutes, he walked out of the bathroom, clean and dressed and human.

Florence smiled, "Sirius," she hugged him tightly, "I was wondering when we'd see you again. How have you been?"

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