Mending Bridges

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 At the Order's Headquarters

Florence, James and Severus stepped into the empty living room of Remus Lupin's home with their wands in hand; the three of them barely moving in the dark and quiet house.

"Nicholas?" Florence whisper-shouted, looking around, trying to find her son.

Where are you, dumbass? James asked.

Upstairs with Fred.

"He's upstairs with Fred," James whispered to his parents.

"Tell him to get down here!" Severus ordered as low as possible, "We must leave before-"

But, as if in slow-motion, the front door was opened and Arthur Weasley walked in with his sons George and Bill, plus Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor Moody.

"Snape?" Moody growled with incredulity, immediately attacking next: "Incarcerous!"

Florence pulled Severus and James behind her and quickly cast: "Contego apsorbeo circulus!" moving her wand in circles, creating a shimmering force-field around herself, her son and her husband.

Then the two groups stared at one another; no one saying a word.

This is exactly the mess I wanted to avoid! Said Severus to Florence through their bond.

We'll have to tell them the truth. She replied.

It's too soon!

It's the only way! She frowned at him. Otherwise, we'll have to duel-

"Can't you two stop that!" complained James, "It's bloody annoying."

Florence rolled her eyes, "As if you and your brother don't do the very same-"

"Bombarda!" suddenly shouted Shacklebolt, his spell being completely absorbed by Florence's shield.

"Don't even try, Kingsley," she told him in a bored tone, "Nothing you cast will be able to break through my spell."

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The sudden sound of people running on the upstairs wooden floor, and then down the stairs, filled the house.

Florence turned to James, whispering: "Tell your brother to stay in Fred's room and to ward the door."

He nodded and conveyed the message to Nicholas: The cauldron boiled over down here. Mum told you to ward the room and stay there with Fred until she cleans up this mess.

Ok. I'll protect Fred and- Nick paused, My baby. I'll be a dad, bro.

James snorted. For once you fucked up before me, it seems.

"What's happening here?" they heard Remus Lupin ask from the stairs, "Florence? James? What the fuck is Severus doing here?"

"Hey there, Uncle Remus," James waved at him.

"Why are you three here?" Remus asked, shocked, "Where's Nick?"

"Now, that's a little hard to explain," said Florence, "Can you get everybody down here? And call McGonagall, will you."

Severus glared at her.

And Remus hesitated, realising what she was planning to do, "Are you going to tell them?"

"I don't see what other choice we have!" she replied glaring at her husband who was shaking his head, "If we want to leave without duelling ourselves out of here, Severus, we'd better tell them!"

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