A Hot Birthday

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Severus felt disgusting.

The Dark Lord had discovered that it was his Potion Master's birthday so he'd called for a celebration in Severus' honour.

However, a party, according to death eaters, was not a party without muggles being tortured, raped and murdered.

Severus hadn't taken part in any of those activities, but they were happening nearby as he sipped elven wine and pretended to enjoy the cake.

He couldn't help but feel tainted by the evilness around him, and guilty by knowing those things were happening because of his birthday. He felt like the darkness of those deeds clung to his skin and clothes, leaving a stain in his soul.


It was nearly 4 a.m. when he finally arrived at his mother's house.

Complete blessed silence greeted him as he closed the front door and looked around the living room.

The fire in the fireplace had long been extinguished, the Christmas decorations had already been removed. Just pictures of him growing up, and some of Florence's, were on top of the shelves and on the sideboard.

He looked at a picture of her, her sweet smile making him ache, with both regret and longing.


There wasn't a day that he didn't think about her.

He put the frame back in its place and sighed, sadness weighing heavily in his heart, his body achy and feverish despite the snow that melted on his shoulders.

His mother was probably already fast asleep, not even Sam seemed to be still awake. So Severus went to the kitchen to get himself some water.

Maybe, he thought, what I need is just to drink some really cold water before hitting the bed.

After finishing his water, he slowly walked upstairs, thinking of a time, not too long ago, when he walked down those same stairs to go snog his hot girlfriend in the kitchen in the middle of the night.

At the top of the stairs, he turned left to go to his room and stopped, frowning – he could see that his bedroom door was open, but he never left his door open.

Severus walked closer and stopped by the door, peeking inside.


She was in there, in his bed!

The sweet vanilla scent of her hair mixing with his own perfume in the bedroom and reminding him of a time when that was a permanent scent in his room: her perfume mixed with his, and sex.

He walked slowly towards the bed, closing the door on his way in.

Florence was wearing one of his long-sleeved shirts, an old white one that he liked to wear to bed for it was very comfortable. It was huge on her smaller, curvier frame though.

He could feel the power of her veela blood reaching out to him strongly, the Enchantment syncing his heartbeat to hers.

No draught tonight, Flor? He thought, standing by the bed, watching her sleep. He wanted to touch her, but he needed to shower first.


Florence woke up to the sound of the shower running.

She blinked and sat on the bed, wondering why would Eileen be taking a shower in Severus' bathroom in the middle of the night.

Then she froze, realising it couldn't be Eileen, it made no sense.

She jumped from the bed, wand in hand, going to the open bathroom door, hearing the water be switched off, and peeking inside.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now