Fears & Furballs

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Note: Some dialogues and scenes came from The Chamber of Secrets movie but I, of course, added some personal details.


November 1992

Saturday evening

Severus arrived at home and was instantly surprised by loud conversation and laughter coming from the kitchen – which had him smiling and remembering that the twins were going to spend that weekend home.

He entered the kitchen and his four kids exclaimed at once: "Dad!"

"Hey there, darlings," he replied, picking up Christopher and kissing Liz's forehead.

"We were about to launch a search party to go after you, dad," joked James, giving his father a hug.

"But mum didn't let us," added Nicholas, hugging him next.

Florence shook her head, "Can you imagine the chaos if those two showed up at the castle looking for you?"

"Not a mess I want to deal with," Severus shook his head as well, looking at the twins, "It's so good to see you two home. And your mum is right, you know..." he sighed. "You're growing too fast."

"Not you too, dad!" complained James, rolling his eyes.

Florence smiled looking at the three of them by the door of the kitchen, "You know... I remember eleven years ago, the three of you by the door of the library, you two trying to copy your dad's pose- you barely reached my hips then, and now..." her eyes were filled up with tears again, "You're so tall. I really can't believe it's been 14 years I gave birth to you two."

"C'mon, mum," said James, hugging her, "Stop crying," he kissed her cheek and Nick hugged her on the opposite side.

Severus watched that sweet scene while Liz and Chris hugged him; he knew why Florence was so emotional near the kids – she was afraid of the future, afraid of the small signs they had been seeing. Since the Quirrell episode, they had had the petrification of Mrs Norris, a bloody message on the wall and Parseltongue whispers around the castle, so he understood why she was more worried than before.

He was too.

"Go to the table, kids," Severus said, moving towards Florence, as their four children walked out of the kitchen.

He pulled her into his arms, reminding her of their promise: "Together, Flor."

"I know. Together," she looked into his eyes and kissed him, "Love you, husband."


Severus sat down at the head of the long dining room table, and Christopher quickly jumped onto his lap.

Florence sat on the chair to his right, looking around the table and smiling – their family was safe under one roof that night.

Melody and Tiffany floated their dinner onto the table and they began eating.

"Mmm," James moaned as he chewed, "I really missed Tiffany's cooking."

"Why's that?" Florence frowned, "I remember the food at Durmstrang being very good."

"It's not bad, mum. But... Tiffany's is the best!" said Nick, winking at the elf.

"Thank you, Master Nicholas," Tiffany said, blushing.

Severus cut some steak for Chris and the boy went to sit on his own chair to eat; then he turned to his wife, suddenly seeming to choose his words: "Harry is spending the night in the hospital wing."

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