Chapter 22

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"Sai - Lor - V!"

"A new blockbuster animated movie! Coming soon to a theater near you!"

"Sailor V!"

Harusuke and Usagi watched the latest trailer of the newest Sailor V movie that would soon come out in theaters.

"Aw, man... I'm so jealous," Usagi sighed enviously. "Sailor V gets to have an anime movie. I wish somebody would make an anime movie about me."

"You never know Usagi," said Harusuke. "We have been getting a bit popular with the public since we became guardians. So maybe someone will make a show about us."

Luna could only smile awkwardly, feeling irked. I"Heh. I'd love to meet the artist dumb enough to make an animated film about an idiot like Usagi,"/i she thought scornfully.


Meanwhile, two girls were walking through town in town, each carrying large folders and envelopes. One girl was a short-haired brunette wearing glasses named Hiromi, and the other was a girl with chestnut-brown hair that went to her shoulders held up with a yellow headband called Kazuko. These two were just a couple of the animators working on the Sailor V anime. They were heading towards the studio where they worked.

As they walked, Hiromi let out a sad sigh looking very depressed. "Man... I hate to say this, but now I feel downright discouraged," she said.

"So, were you able to understand what the director wanted?" asked Kazuko.

"Not even," replied Hiromi. "He always speaks in these abstract terms I don't get."

Kazuko smiled wryly, understanding what Hiromi meant. She could well remember what the director said to Hiromi yesterday when she was with her.


The director was looking at a frame that Hiromi drew, inspecting it every which way humming thoughtfully.

"This isn't quite the image I was going for here," he said.

"What's wrong with it?" asked Hiromi.

"I can't put it into words... But look at Sailor V's posture," the director said, pointing at Sailor V's leg. "It feels like there's not enough love here. Her bent knee and leg line doesn't evoke any passion."

Hiromi and Kazuko's faces paled a bit at what the director was getting at.

"So you're pretty much saying that we need to make her look sexier, right?" asked Hiromi flatly.

"What kind of question is that?!" the director exclaimed defensively. "I'll have you know that I'm a father! I wouldn't dare imply anything as vulgar as that!"


"Oh well," sighed Hiromi. "I might as well face it. I don't have any talent. Maybe I should just quit being an animator."

Kazuko gasped and then glared defensively at her friend. "What are you saying, Hiromi?!"

Hiromi then smiled. "Oh, don't worry, I was just kidding," she said. "I wouldn't give up my dream so easily."

Kazuko stared at Hiromi suspiciously. Then she smiled with relief. "Good. That's the Hiromi I know. Hey, I'll race you to the studio!"

Then Kazuko took off running, leaving Hiromi in the dust.

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now