Chapter 113

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Tomoe was in the lab, busily working while typing on a computer. He was running a simulation program on it that seemed to go along smoothly at first, but then, a small pop-up telling him that an error occurred, and a strange shadow of a person appeared on the screen. Eudial then appeared in the lab.

"Tomoe, what are you up to?" asked Eudial.

"I was in the middle of running a simulation program to read the data we have for the holy grail," explained Tomoe. "But as you can see, something is blocking it."

Eudial came over to inspect. "But what is that?" she wondered. "It appears to be the shadow of a person."

"As I expected," said Tomoe. "If I had to make a guess who that was, I'd say it's the one who can harness the Holy Grail's power."

"I'm not following," said Eudial. "Care to explain?"

"It's quite simple, dear Eudial," said Tomoe. "If someone on our side were able to obtain the Holy Grail, they would be able to revitalize Master Pharoh 90 to full strength, ushering in a world of darkness as he desires." He scowled angrily. "However, if someone who opposes us gets their hands on it first, like those accursed Guardians, our plans will fall to ruin!" he yelled. "We cannot allow this to happen! We must do whatever it takes to get it first! Then, the Holy Grail will be ours!"

Tomoe was so enraged in his rant that he slammed his hands hard on the computer's keyboard, causing it to break in half. Keys went flying everywhere.

"Hey! Don't take your anger out on the keyboard!" yelped Eudial. "I know this lab is our cover for the time being, but it's still expensive to replace!"

Tomoe, now feeling sheepish, then calmed down.

"Anyway, where is this person who can use the Holy Grail?" asked Eudial. "Do we even know who it is?"

"That's nothing you need to worry about, Eudial," Tomoe said. "For now, focus on finding the Holy Grail as well as the light Master Pharoh 90 desires first. I shall get a Daimon working for you right away. If you'll excuse me."

Tomoe was just about to sneak away when Eudial grabbed him by the scruff of his collar, stopping him.

"Not so fast, Tomoe," Eudial spoke firmly. "You broke the keyboard to the computer in your rant, so you have to be the one to replace it. And I'll be docking the cost to fix it from your pay."

Tomoe growled in annoyance. "Mark my words, you lousy Guardians! You'll all pay for your interference and a new keyboard!"


Meanwhile, in Rei's room, Usagi and the others were studying again for their exams. Usagi was busily at work solving a problem while timed, her pencil scribbling across the paper in her notebook. In a few seconds, Usagi slapped her notebook and pencil down.

"Yes, I'm finished!" Usagi cried.

Makoto stopped her stopwatch and looked at it. "Twenty-three minutes and forty-seven seconds!" she said happily. "It's a new record!"

"Way to go, Sis!" said Harusuke. "You beat your best time!"

"And it was such a hard problem too!" Usagi spoke proudly. "I'm so amazing!"

"And you did it all by yourself," added Rei. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks, but I didn't do it all by myself," said Usagi humbly. "I couldn't have done it without all of you."

But the celebration was promptly interrupted by Ami, who took a quick look at her work.

"Sorry, Usagi, but your calculations are slightly off," said Ami, as she wrote the correct answer on the page. "So the answer is this instead of what you wrote."

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