Chapter 103

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It was late at night at the Hikawa Shrine. Rei was in the room of the sacred fire, mumbling in chants while the flame blazed before her. The girl had just woken up after having the same nightmare that she had a couple of days prior and was still desperately trying to decipher the meaning behind it, despite having no luck whatsoever.

"Why do I keep having that same ominous dream?" Rei thought to herself. "What does it mean? What is it trying to tell me?"

As Rei continued to stare and read into the sacred fire, Yuichirou watched her from outside the room, worried about Rei.

Then, someone tapped on Yuichirou's shoulder and spoke it in a ghostly voice.

"Yuichirou...~ ~ ~."

Yuichirou was so startled that he couldn't help but let out a scream but quickly composed himself, not wanting Rei to hear him. Luckily, it was only Rei's grandfather.

"Don't worry, my boy, it's just me," Rei's Grandpa chuckled. "Now, what was it you were peeking at so late at night? Is it something naughty?"

"It's not what you're thinking, Sir!" Yuichirou squeaked. "I was just concerned about Rei's health, is all!"

Rei's Grandpa looked inside the room and saw Rei. "Yes, she's been staying up late every night doing this lately, but it's not like she's going to stop just because we tell her, too," he said. "Why don't we let it go?"

"But how can I do that?!" Yuichirou protested. "At this rate, Rei's going to turn into an insomniac!"

Rei's Grandpa then smiled kindly. "Yuichirou, my boy, there's only one truth to this situation," he said. "It's not up to us to ask what answer Rei's looking for; the thing to do is to let her keep searching for that answer until she finds it. Her destiny is her own, and it's something she needs to do. I understand that more than anyone, and that's why I can let it go."

The little man then when on his way. Yuichirou knew that Rei's Grandpa had a point, but being the person he was, and because he cared a lot about Rei, he still felt that he should find some way to help her. So, he went into the kitchen and grabbed a few cups of noodles and a kettle, and went back into the room, bursting in.

"Heya, Rei! I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you some tea and some instant noodles!" Yuichirou said. "A little something to help you since you're working so hard!"

Unfortunately, Rei didn't respond as she continued to mumble her chants while staring at the fire. But, not wanting to give up, Yuichirou raced back into the kitchen and returned with an armful of snacks.

"Rei! I've brought you all of your favorites!" Yuichirou spoke merrily, pretending to be an advertiser. "Delicious three-minute "It's Curry"! Quick microwave spaghetti with meat sauce! And your personal favorite: an omelet lunch with a tuna sandwich! There's also a late-night friend, grilled rice balls, and a natto roll! And lastly, for dessert, nata de coco, and bananas!"

However, despite it all, Rei still took no notice, keeping to her ritual.

Yuichirou felt exasperated and a bit upset. "Oh, Rei. What are you trying so hard to divine?" he thought. "Do you even know that I'm here wanting to help you? If there's anything I can do, I'm here for you."

Then Rei made several signs with her hands while speaking her signature sutra.

"Rin, Pyo, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!"

Rei finally began to see something in the fire as she finished, which made her gasp, while a small gust of wind made her hair billow. Yuichirou, seeing this, noticed that a few strands of Rei's hair were blowing dangerously close to the fire. Thinking that her hair would catch fire, Yuichirou rushed over to Rei to try and save her. When he did, Rei immediately snapped out of her trance, finally taking notice of Yuichirou.

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