Chapter 114

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Michiru sat by the side of the pool in a lawn chair in her swimsuit with a pink button-down and holding a conch shell to her ear, lost in her own little world. Outside, the town of Juuban was painted with a gloomy shade of gray, the rain pouring down. Then, Haruka walked up, leaning over the chair's head and staring down at Michiru, which caused the girl to open her eyes.

"It's not fair," Haruka spoke quietly. "Going off into your own little world like this and leaving me behind."

Michiru smiled as she set her conch shell down. The two were silent for a while, and neither said a word.

At last, Michiru spoke. "A dream woke me up this morning," she said. "I've had a strange feeling ever since then. It's unlike anything I've ever felt before. I take it that you've picked up on it as well?"

"Of course. It's been quite clear," said Haruka. "There's no mistaking it. Today, for sure, a talisman will appear."


Eudial was busy typing away on the computer in the lab, connecting a strange makeshift floppy disc made of some batteries and a can.

Tomoe then entered. "Eudial, what are you doing?" he asked. "And how long have you been here?"

"I've been here all night working on a new program," said Eudial. "If it works, it should allow me to pinpoint a pure heart that contains a talisman."

"You mean you'll be able to figure out exactly who has a talisman?" Tomoe asked with a hint of surprise. "That's a surprising way to spend your holiday. Are you sure it'll work?"

"I'm confident that it will, Tomoe," said Eudial, as she continued to type away. "Once I do, I'll finally be able to find our true targets and will finally gain an advantage on our enemies! And once we get them, we'll be that much closer to making our dreams a reality!"

As Tomoe came to inspect, Eudial finished typing, and the computer began showing various men and women on its screen, scanning if they were talisman holders.

"Well, for your sake, I hope this program of yours works," said Tomoe. "Master Pharoh 90 is growing impatient, so this might be your last chance."

"Don't worry, Tomoe. It will," reassured Eudial. "Unlike before, it's now scanning only the top possibilities. When it's finished, we should be able to pinpoint exactly whose heart holds a talisman."

Then, the computer let out a chime as it showed the image of their actual targets on display. When they saw who they were, Eudial and Tomoe were shocked.

"N-No way! They're the ones who have the talisman?!" Eudial exclaimed.

"What a surprise!" said Tomoe. "Well done, Eudial! If your program is correct, we may be able to obtain the talismans in no time!"


The next day, Usagi and Harusuke walked around town, heading home. The two had just gotten out of school and went to the shop for pork buns. As usual, Usagi was happily munching away on them, enjoying their sweet taste.

"Man, these things are so delicious!" Usagi squealed in delight. "I can never get enough of these."

"Can you at least try to save some until after dinner?" Harusuke sighed. "I mean seriously, Sis. You're like a black hole."

"Come on, Harusuke. I'm a growing girl," Usagi grinned. "And a girl's gotta eat."

Harusuke wryly smiled as they continued walking. Then, as they turned around the corner to their street, Eudial suddenly appeared before them.

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