Chapter 57

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It was a busy day over at the Hikawa Shrine. Many people gathered around at the gift shop as Makoto stood outside dressed in shrine maiden clothes attracting the crowd, while Minako and Rei's Grandfather operated the register.

"Gather around, everyone! I have something to show you!" Makoto called out to the people. "The amulets from the Hikawa Shrine work wonders on lovesickness!" She then held up the charm in question, making everyone gaze at it. "How well does it work, you ask? Well, let me tell you based on my own experience. No matter how many times I got heartbroken, I've always found new love with this," she said with a wink.

Rei's Grandfather bit back a comment as he joined in on the advertising. "You'll never be heartbroken again with our amulets," he said. "Our amulets are the best cure when it comes to problems of the heart."

The people couldn't help but be amazed, growing excited.

"I could sure use one of those!" said one girl.

"Me too!" said another.

Minako and Rei's Grandfather was now selling charms like crazy as they handled out one after the other.

"Here you go and come again soon," Minako spoke as she gave a girl a charm. "Come back if things don't go well."

"Weren't you listening, Minako?" Rei's Grandfather spoke, groaning. "Those amulets are supposed to fix problems like that!"

Minako then stuck out her tongue while bopping herself on the head innocently. "Oh, that's right. I forgot."

Soon the rush was over, and the three were now taking a break.

"Whew! Being a shrine maiden wasn't as easy as I thought it'd be," sighed Minako. "Makes me wonder how Rei does it all the time."

"Thank you for all your hard work, girls," Rei's Grandfather said gratefully.

Just then, Usagi, Harusuke, and Ami arrived.

"Heya, Gramps," greeted Usagi. "How's it going?"

"Ah, if it isn't Usagi and her friends," Rei's Grandfather said, greeting them warmly. "I'm doing fine, thanks."

Ami then took notice of Makoto and Minako in their shrine maiden outfits. "So, how come the two of you are here?" she asked.

"And where's Rei?" wondered Harusuke. "Usually, she's the one that's supposed to help sell charms, right?"

"Normally, yes, but it's because Rei's busy at her school," explained Rei's Grandfather. "She's the chairwoman of the school festival, so she'll be coming home late for a few days, so I asked Minako and Makoto if they could give me a hand. Hey, here's an idea! Since the three of you are here, would you all like to be shrine maidens too?"

"Well, that would be cool and all, but I'm going to have to pass," Usagi spoke, scratching her cheek shyly. "Besides, I don't want to memorize sutras."

Rei's Grandfather's eyebrow twitched, feeling a bit insulted. "This is a Shinto Shrine," he said flatly. "Only Buddhists use sutras."


At the T·A Academy for Girls school, the girls were busy making the final preparations for the school festival inside the auditorium. Rei was busy giving orders to the girls at work, ensuring that everything was in place and perfect.

"A little up and to the left!" she called to one student as she adjusted the banner. "Up a bit more! Perfect! OK!"

Then two students came up to her, much to her annoyance. "What is it?" she asked huffily.

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Where stories live. Discover now