The Morning of A New Year

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(^Just imagine this is Haruka. That's how her face and hair looks like when she attends middle school.Just ignore the uniform.I know it's not Teiko's Uniform^)

~3 Years Later/Author's POV~

The sky is still dark despite the clock showing it's already 5 in the morning. Inside a modern-like house, a man sighs as he enters the kitchen area. The atmosphere is eerie and quiet. It makes one to heighten their senses towards any danger that might pose a threat to them. 

The man takes out a plate of fruits from his refrigerator before sitting down at the dining table. He notice a child-like stature sitting on the chair opposite of him. He raise a brow, thinking it's his cousin. He feels it's rather funny the fact that lazy cousin of his has woken up early, earlier than him. 

"Woa, what's up with you waking up early in the m-" Before he can finish speaking, he notice the glint in the child's eyes. It carries a blue hue that tells a story of tragedy and blood. His cousin doesn't have blue eyes, furthermore, he doesn't have that kind of emotion laced over the pair of innocent pair of eyes. 

He wanted to stand up but he found he is unable to move anymore. He looks down and see a few needles standing up on his skin, the reason for his movement to be restricted. Acupunture points? This child knows about this? He turns to face the girl but before he can voice out his complaints, another needle was thrown and his voice was cut off once and for all. 

The person stands up. By then, he notice that the child is not a child at all. The stranger seems to be in between 12-13 years old, but the aura this person emits doesn't bode well with it's age. 

The person puts a finger over it's lips, the eyes are still glinting with danger, "I'll be asking you questions. Move your eyes up and down for yes, left and right for no." The person is a girl from how feminine her voice sounds like, she continues on, "Well then, let's hope you will be making my work easy." 

Haruka's POV

That was a rough morning. Never did I woke up that early. Well, whatever, let's look at the matters in hand.  

Middle school huh?

"Haruka,have a good day!" My brother waves at me. I wave back. He closes the door of our house before locking it. I waved at my servants who were tending the garden of our house. (Wait, how can she get servants? Ohh, wait...ok just read about what happened next.)

Today is my first day for middle school. I'll be attending a nearby school, I'm not sure with the name though...Te-Tei what? Is it Teiki? Erghh, I want to hit my head on the wall for forgetting the name.

Ohh, I've forgotten about you guys, I'm sorry. (Breaking the 4th wall?)

Now, let's start with my brother's story. Ever since he entered high school, his popularity increases drastically. Someone even scouted him to be a model! He accepted the offer and now, he's a famous model and also an actor. That's how he bought this spacious house and garden and also hired the servants. I never thought he can be that rich at such an early age. He has become my role model.

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