♚Shocking Reveals♚

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Haruka's POV

I stare out of the car's window. Right now me and my brother are heading towards a destination unknown to me. After waking up right at dawn, I was forced to have a bath and get dressed as fast as possible. I choose to wear normal outfit, the same outfit I wore when going out with (y/n). 

My brother appears to be wearing a tuxedo, a blue tie and a grin. His shoes are polished and his hair is messy like always. He is sitting opposite of me, looking down to his phone he is holding in his hands. 

"Nee, Shiki. What are you doing?" I open my mouth and start a conversation with my brother. 

He looks up, blinking a few times before replying, "Nothing much, just telling my workers what should they do today." His fingers types something on the touchscreen phone before placing it away, looking back at me. 

"So, how was your injuries?" He ask me.

I shrug, "It magically heals." (A/N: I"M THE ONE WHO HEALS YOU!)

He leans against the seat, "Hmm, I don't want to talk what happened to you but I'll give you and advice, Haruka. Stay sharp and don't be swayed by your emotions. Your enemies are everywhere." 

Shiki really hits the right spot. It's like he knows that I was swayed by my own emotions until I forget to check the contents of my drink even though normal human won't. I grunt, "Yeah, I know. I was careless for a moment yesterday." 

He chuckles, "You better fix that carelessness of yours before your actions eat you up." 

I reply back, "Yeah, yeah. Understood. But..." I begin to think, how can my brother be this accurate about others feelings? Could he read minds? Or maybe he's not a normal or the person that I expect him to be.

I lean against my seat, staring at Shiki, "Aniki, care to tell you who you really are? Or maybe you want to keep it as a secret until you're dead?" I narrow my gaze as I watch his face expression change when I ask about that.

He shrugs, "I'm a human in this world." 

I scoff, "Stop avoiding the question."

He  replies back, "I'm not avoiding the question. You'll know soon when we reach our destination."

I sit up, "And where is this 'our destination'?"

His arms rests at the back of his head, "Nuuh, not telling you. Just wait and you'll see." 

I completely give up. Everytime I ask that question, he will always avoid it. Letting out a long sigh, I look back outside. Right now we are on a bridge, this road is heading towards a mountain. Hmm, I don't think anyone lives here. 

My eyes dart at the forest that surrounds the mountain. There's a mansion hidden around those green trees. So, someone do lives here but the question now is. 

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