♚We Are On Our Own [4]♚

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Shiki's POV

Sitting at the gazebo during the night is not a new thing for me. Despite the cold atmosphere, I continue to stay cozy in my pajamas. It's quiet and eerie. Even so, I know no one is nearby except for myself. After getting bored of sitting, I lay down on the seat, staring at the dark sky above. There are no stars today and it has become quite windy. "I wonder what those three are doing." I ask myself as I close my eyes, waiting for the right moment. 

I don't have to look around as I can feel the head butler standing just beside me, outside the gazebo. Opening my left eye, I ask him, "What is it, Su?" 

"What are you doing outside here, Shiki-sama?" He ask me, his face still looks passive like always. 

I then close the opened eye, "I just want to think. My room is too messy and it doesn't help me any bit." 

"It's your fault for not tidying it up." The head butler immediately replies, a reply that I've heard for thousand of times. 

I click my tongue playfully before sitting up, "I'm a busy man, okay? You should tidy it up for me!" Then I remember, "Oh, maybe I should blackmail Haruka to do it instead!" 

A slap hits at the back of my head, "You are simply courting death if you do so." 

Hissing from the pain, I rub the back of my head as my eyes search for the head butler's. Once our eyes met, I understand the main topic he wants to talk about. "Okay, okay. I'll stop messing around. I don't want to die early after all." Sighing, I place my left elbow on the gazebo railings, "Look, I have already warned him and told him about the plans. Tell that woman that there is no need to worry." 

"It's not about that." After thinking for awhile, Su shakes his head, "Nevermind, even if I asked, you'll never give a direct answer." After saying that, he turns around and walks away. 

I stare at his retreating back. Once he has completely become one with the darkness around us, I lay down at the same place. Looking at the starless sky once again. 

Kuro's POV

I was quite distressed. The vagrant memories of my mother killed right in front of me still hovers between my consciousness and dream. It feels like everything bloody that happened tonight is just a nightmare but at the same time, the harsh reality forced me to accept everything. 

I've messed up terribly. Just for one simple mistake. Running away. 

Fortunately, just like a piano, there are black and white keys. So far I've been bombarded with most of the black keys, I thought it is just what I deserve for what I've done but the truth is, between those sharps and flats, the neutral sounds can be heard too. 

It's not a mistake to run away. If I didn't take the step to walk away from that hell hole, I might end up like mother or worse, end up being a puppet for that man. 

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