♚National Championship (3)♚

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Haruka's POV

While I'm making plans for the team's win, I suddenly feel a presence behind me. No, not someone. It's a threat. Before I could even glance back, my back was kicked forcefully. I roll around on my back, landing on the floor with a crouch.I look at the person who just kicked me. 

"Why?" I'm too exhausted to say anything else. 

His heterochromatic eyes look down to me, "Sit behind the bench, don't dare to stand up, don't move an inch, or I'll send you to your worst nightmare." Akashi ordered me before taking a seat at the bench, directly in front of me. 

I raise a brow while examining my surrounding. Well, if I sit behind the bench, I'll be hidden from Too's players eyes. Akashi and the other bench players hides me with their big structure, rendering me hidden from their sight. 

I know it's not good to argue in this crowded place. The coach is watching me and Akashi. Not to miss, the bench players are acting like they don't care but they do. Also, the uncrowned kings are coming here. It would be better if I don't make a scene. 

I sigh before leaning against the bench. My back facing Akashi's back. I look up, "Why are you hiding me?" 

"It would be wise for you to hide at this moment or you want two people run towards you with a big hug that will suffocate you and kill you at sight." Akashi said, arms crossing over his chest as his eyes glancing to me. 

Well, that was kinda brutal. I shook my head a little before talking, "Who is it?" 

"Satsuki and Daiki." Akashi replies. I nod in silence. I sometimes can't feel at ease when Akashi always calls someone using their first name even though that person is his senior. A new question pops into my mind but I erase it  quickly. Not wise to open that subject right now. 

"Noted. So, did those Uncrowned Kings finished their stroll? I already have a plan and I want to discuss it with you, Akashi."  I ask, glancing to him.

My glance meet his, he replies, "Make it fast."

I look to my front again, crossing my arms over my chest. With my legs crossed, I began to tell him the plan. 

Momoi's POV

When the last quarter start, I could feel something bad will happen and it did. My team is falling behind. now it's 115-98. Rakuzan is scoring like there's no tomorrow. Our team's defense is crumbling down like a landslide. Our offense becomes weaker when Rakuzan scores more and more. 

I bit my lower lip. That girl disappeared from my sight but I know she's still there, hiding from my eyes. Before she came, the fight is really intense. Now, it's not anymore. I stare at Rakuzan's bench players, hoping to see her figure once again. Dai-chan already lost interest with her, thinking that it's just a trick of light but for me, I know, she's just playing with out eyes. I continue to stare at Rakuzan team. 

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