♚Acting Villain♚

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(A/N: People are hating on Shiki rather than the kid XD)

(A lot of mistakes. I'll fix it after i finish my new  assignment!)

Akashi's POV

Father look at me with brows raised before shaking his head while smiling, "Just like how Shiki predicted. " 

I knit my brows together, "What do you mean by that?" 

Akashi Masaomi sighs, "Being the villain but at the same time, the hero. That's Shiki's favorite game." 

What's up with him today, "Don't tell me everything that happened today is actually.."

Father shrugs before turning around, "Get some sleep, Seijuro. We'll head for Tokyo tomorrow." 

I continue to knit my eyebrows, "But!" 

Father takes a deep breath, "If you are  worrying about Haruka, don't be. Her only family member is there, ever since the start." 

Her only family member? Shiki? 'Being the villain but at the same time, the hero. That's Shiki's favorite game.' Remembering those words, I understand my father's explanation. 

"Ahh, and get ready by 7 in the morning tomorrow." 

Author's POV

A group of suspicious looking man is having a meeting at an abandoned factory. All of them are congratulating the young guy's achievement of killing off one of their main target. The little boy smiles gleefully, "Serves him right." He says. 

"You killed off her little sister, I wonder how will he react to that." One of the man pats the little guy's head. 

"Right? I wonder how will you react when all of this is a part of my plan." An unknown voice comes out of nowhere. All of the suspicious looking man search for the source only to found a guy standing at the second floor, with an innocent smile spread across his face. Clad in a black trench coat and a sinister dark aura.


"Bye, bye~" The man on the upper floor waves at the group as they were eliminated one by one, the noises that were made are just enough to not attract any extra attention. The only man standing, that is him himself turns around and takes out his phone. He draw a big red cross on the map where the factory is situated. "Revenge against me? Sounds funny." 

"Shiki-sama, after we dispose all these corpses, what should we do next?" Su steps on the corpses below, along with some other servants in the household. All of them are clad in their special uniform as they look up to their boss.

Shiki look down to his wristwatch, "There is still time right? Let's go a visit Haruka-chan."

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