♚We Are On Our Own [1]♚

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Haruka's POV

The night when I got home after knowing the incident that happened when I'm away, I cannot sleep peacefully at all. A lot of theories comes through my head and disappears as fast as how it came by. What will those snakes do after this? After giving such an impact on my friend, I received news that she has changed. She has canceled her contract of becoming an actress and went to become a doctor like Sougo instead. 

The incident must have left a huge hole in her heart of not being able to safe the person who died that day. Or maybe there is something else in her mind that I will investigate later. 

Not to forget, about Tsuna and Yamamoto. Looks like both of them were attacked on the same day and at the verge of death. It's good that we have Sougo on our side or Vongola will be losing a future boss and also a future guardian. 

To think that our side received such a harsh blow, it makes me think if I'm underestimating my enemies. Or it is just because I relied on my brother and his friends too much that I forget how things work in this kind of world. 

I have a bad feeling , maybe just because I'm overthinking or just another instinct of mine. Nonetheless, I found out that the other student council members are absent today, leaving only me to handle all the work. The principal is out for some business that were not stated. So I'm all alone , not having anyone to talk about when it comes to this kind of matter. 

After doing some of the student council work, I rush to class and catch up with the studies I left for some time. During recess, I decided not to eat instead, sits down at the most populated garden in the school along with a frown on my forehead. 

The students around me stay out of my sight, thinking if I'll murder them if they dare to step in front of me. The Vice President is mad they say. She's not under the weather they say. What people say does matter to me but for now, I'll just push them away. 

Now I have to think of some strategies in case I end up in a mess. Since those guys are now starting to get active, I should be aware of the danger that now lurks more frequently than before.

What if I got surrounded? I'll beat them up but without any weapon, it would be a risk to take since those guys are supplied with a special poison that could kill me instantly if not treated immediately. 

What if they shoot me from far? I can dodge the bullet but it may graze a little bit before I find a suitable place for me to take cover. 

What if they sneak up on me? That is nothing to worry about. Their presence will be known since I was trained to detect sneaking bastards. Even so, it will be a mess if that sneaking bastard is also an assassin like me, even worse, an active assassin. I have to admit that my skills have gone a little flabbier in the past years since my brother doesn't encourage me to use my skills to kill. Not to forget, I have plenty of reasons why I'm not as baddass as before. One of the factors is that the people around me such as Seijuro acts as a barrier to stop me from repeating the same mistake like before. 

Truth to be told, I found that every time we are in trouble, my fiancee will step up and settle most of the problems for me when I desire to settle it myself. Looks like I've gotten used to rely on my friends, a complete opposite of me before who was a lone wolf. 

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