Welcome To A New Squad

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Haruka's POV

When we arrived at the hospital, I could see police cars everywhere. Wow, really? Intensive care? This is too much. Hmm, but Karasuma is from the Ministry of Defense. Maybe this is why there are a lot of police cars nearby.

So they think I'm going to kill him?

Nope I'm not going to kill him at all. I'll just simply burn him alive.

While Mizu and Federica went off searching for Karasuma and Irina, I went to Hitomi's and Yusuke's ward. They are still in the ICU so I can't be beside them. I only can just watch them from the outside, with a glass wall separating us.

I look at those two bodies. I hold my breath as I saw them. Both of them lay on the bed with lots of wires covering them. Their heartbeat is normal but their condition outside is bad. I can't describe it at all. Guilt rushed through me.


                                                  'They maybe got in this trouble because of you'


Someone whispered into my mind. It's not other than myself. I shake my head trying to kill off the voice inside me. I hated to be emotional because that voice will always haunts me. A child voice. My past voice.


Don't you see, you're just creating trouble for everyone.'


'Nope, I refuse to believe that.'

"Haruka, it's been a while." A man's voice called my name from the back. I whip my head to face the person. The voice inside my head suddenly become silent thanks to his voice interrupting my conversation with it. "Ahh, Karasuma-san. Yeah, it's been a while."

He glance at Hitomi and Yusuke who is on the ICU by the window. He look back at me. "Visiting your dear friends?" He asked me while tilting his head to the side. I nodded. "They got into this trouble because of me. It's my responsibility to visit them. As a friend or no."

He nodded in return. "Good, now we should carry this conversation elsewhere. Irina and I have something to tell you. Let's go." He walk off along the hallway to a certain room. I followed behind him. Hmm, another important thing. Why is everyone telling me important things right now?

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