♚Unexpected Things♚

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Haruka's POV

The next day, when I opened the door of my chauffeur, I see (Y/N) looking around nervously like searching for someone. I walk towards her and when she see me, she immediately screams my name. Everyone look at both of us and I send their stares away with my evil glare.

"What is it, (Y/N)? Why are you screaming my name for?" I ask her.

She tug my sleeve, gesturing me to follow her, "There's a commotion at the Lobby. The previous Kendo captain is searching for you. She's waiting there with a group of guys and I'm panicking because I'm afraid if they will hurt you and scratch you and murder y-"

I close her mouth with my hand, "That's enough, (Y/N). Just bring me to her and I'll settle everything. You don't have to worry about my safety. You know who I am, right?"

She nods and I let her mouth go. She leads me to the school Lobby that I never thought exist. Well, I have a bad feeling from this and I guess it's true what (Y/N) said. Hmm, I promised my brother not to get into fights and I guess I should not fight them. Besides, I hope Akashi is not there or I'll and the previous Kendo Club captain will be dead.

When both of us reach that place, (Y/N) push the double doors open and I walk behind her. I kinda feel bad for making (Y/N) do all the work. At least I got my epic entrance. All eyes are on me. The whole place is full with students that I never thought existed.

I stand beside (Y/N), crossing my arms over my chest. I stare at the person who just called me and ask, "Why are you calling me? Do we still have some problems to settle?"

She snickers, followed by a group of dangerous looking man behind her, "Excuse me but for a weakling like you to take my throne away is a serious problem."

"So what? Every queen needs to be replaced....especially when she becomes old." I smile at her.


"Ahh, the bell is going to ring at any moment now, everyone go back to your class before you homeroom kicks you out!" I turn around, ignoring the enraged senpai not far from me. I don't want anyone to get hurt so I tell them to go back to their classes. You see, those dangerous men behind the previous Queen looks a little bit Yakuza but not as scary as some I knew.

I smile a little bit, remembering those two.

Even though I already told them to walk away, none of them did . They stand stiff at their place, locking their eyes on both of us. I could hear my enemy gritting her teeth,so I ushered (Y/N) away, sensing danger that could hurt her.

I turn around, facing the enraged Queen. "I already defeated you, right? What's the the problem with that?"

"It is a problem sweetie. I'm the heiress to a very well-known household and you're a person with no background at all. You brought shame to my face and my family and you think I will forgive you?" She replies.

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