♚A Little Realization♚

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Haruka's POV

Watching my teammates practicing their swings can be quiet boring, huh? I sit down at a corner at the back of the dojo, planning to doze off after all that.... argh, I don't want to talk about it.

"Oii, why is the captain slacking off in the middle of the training?" I could hear the coach voice while I'm getting ready to set sail to dreamland. 

I open my left eye, looking upwards. Coach Ai is standing in front of me with that usual smile of his. A shinai on his left shoulder. 

I grunt before turning away, "I'm tired. Let me rest for awhile. Tell the vice captain to take over while I'm away. Now, shoo shoo." I gesture him to leave me alone while I make myself comfortable at the corner. 

Coach Ai sighs before picking me up using the back of my collar. I try to get out of his grip but by then, I'm already thrown outside the dojo. I look around with a puzzled expression. 

The tip of his shinai kiss the floor. "Now, I know you are bored watching others practicing so what about you go help the basketball club? Their coach ask me if they can borrow you and I agreed." 

I raise a brow, "WHAT?"

"Now, now. Don't delay their wait. I'll handle the Kendo Club while you have some fun with guys in the basketball club. Ja naa~" The traditional sliding door close in front of me. 

I look around, noticing that I'm already outside the club building that is in the middle of the school's mini forest. I rub the back of my neck before shrugging. I slowly stand up and make my way to the school's gym. Changing to my school's uniform on the way.

When I enter the gym, it's empty. No one is in here. I raise a brow, don't tell me they went home early? Suddenly someone holds my shoulder, gripping it afterwards. I take a hold of the arm and lift the person forward, resulting this guy to fall flat on the floor.

I blink my eyes when I recognize this guy. It's Hayama Kotaro. 

I crouch down as he hiss in pain. "Umm, sorry senpai. It's a habit of mine." 

He looks up to me, "Mou! It hurts ya know? I never thought you are this strong." Considering that I throw a male 2x bigger than me is not that cool because I've done worse.

"I'm the captain of the kendo club. Of course I have to be strong." I awkwardly smile. 

He sits up, rubbing the back of his head, "By the way, today the basketball club left earlier than other clubs. Looks like we have improved a lot and the coach told us to rest at home. Akashi send me here to fetch you."

I raise a brow, "Fetch me for what?"

"He said that there's a meeting about a festival or something like that. All student council members are required to attend the meeting."  Hayama-senpai explain it. 

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