The Me Who is Always Sarcastic

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(A/N: This chapter is quiet long...and maybe contains fillers. Nevertheless,I'm now going straight to the point.No more fillers.Peace)

3rd Person POV

"Shiki-sama, are you sure you are not going to be coming to the office today?" A certain person asked his boss from the other side of the phone. The phone owner scowled as he have to tell this person once again. "Yes, I won't be coming today. So, please take care. Ask some random people to take over." The man cut off the call before sitting on his sofa with a mug in his hand.

He glanced at a nearby clock, smirking. "Let me relax for a day,"

It's still 8 in the morning, both of these siblings promised to make a video call at 8 in the night. While the time is ticking, they can do anything they like. Since Shiki is in London, he can't visit his parent's grave like Haruka. Well, he already visited them before he went to the airport. 

When the time ticks to 8:30, he began to set sail to the dream land. Tired of yesterday's work. (A/N:ofc he's sleeping)

Haruka's POV

It's 8 in the morning. I get up from my bed and get ready for a visit to a fellow grave. I choose to wear appropriate attire. I tied my hair into a ponytail. After giving the final glance, I opened my bedroom door then walks towards the kitchen.

"Good morning, Haruka-sama. Do you need a ride to the grave?" One of the maids greeted me. I nodded. "Sure, I'm going there at 9. Please inform my driver." The maid nodded before walking to some place else while I'm heading to the kitchen to fetch my breakfast.

The whole house understands this routine. Every year, this day, is the day of mascrase. Bad luck day for me and my brother. While eating my breakfast, my phone rang. I quickly answered the call. It's unexpected to hear her voice.

The number 1 Assassin in terms of seduction. Irina Jelavić

(A/N: yes, there will be more assassination classroom crossover with this fanfic in the future)

"Irina-neesan, how are you?" I greeted her while walking towards my garden. "I'm fine Haruka, how about you?" I could hear her sweet voice. I smiled. Her voice always calms me. Even though, I know how sexy she can be once I meet her, but still, she's like a big sister for me.

We have known for 2 years ever since we crossed paths in a mission. She seduced a man but failed to kill him, the man tries to overwhelm her but I saved her just in time before her neck snaps. She asked what should she pay for it and I told her to be my step-sister. She agreed with it.

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