♚5th of May♚

799 46 51

(A/n: I know it's September.)

Haruka's POV

I limp as I walk along the pedestrian road. My ankle needs to be treated right away or I'll be walking like a zombie. I settle down on a bench under a tree at a park nearby. Walking is a chore now and I have to treat this ankle immediately. I shrug before moving my ankle sideways a few times until I hear a gruesome crack. Oh, it actually healed. (A/n: Don't do this guys. I've done it, and the pain subsides but this is not the way XD) Now,I just have to wait for the next order. Unfortunately, my brother still haven't said anything for the past 15 minutes. 


Oh speak of the devil!

I heard my brother's voice and I immediately reply. "What's up?"

'Since the mission ended, you can do anything you want. So, go and meet up with that red head.' 

I nod, "On my way." After that, I didn't hear anything coming from my brother anymore. I do not know what happened, I do not know where he is and I do not know where I am now. Well, after walking away from that park, I got caught in the flow of the crowd and end up somewhere else. And right now, I'm enjoying a crepe for being lost in the crowd. My ankle seems to be in a good condition, or is it just me with my usual pain handling. (A/N: Wow, you so chill, Haruka.)

I look up to the sky and saw the flashy Kyoto Tower not far from where I'm standing. Seijuro is there with one of our enemies. I could hear the sound of police sirens in the midst of the busy city. Looks like this mess will be cleaned up in a short amount of time. And now, I should worry about what kind of promise my fiancee told me. 

I walk towards the Kyoto Tower with my cap shadowing my face from other's view. Maybe students from Rakuzan and the Kuro Hebi's spies may detect me and both of them are bad news. It would be better if I keep my profile low and act like a shadow until I found company. 

I entered the Kyoto Tower with ease. There are neither polices around nor confusion. Hmm, the mess have been dealt quietly at this place. I stop when I notice Seijuro is leaning against the wall not far from the entrance with his arms folded over his chest. He seems to be in deep thinking and not noticing my presence. Truth to be told, some girls are sneaking glances at this certain red head. But why should I care. Hahahahaahha. Sneaking up on him would be nice but let us skip that. I walk towards him, "Oi, are you still alive?" 

His eyebrow perks up before glancing towards me. He stands properly before mockingly smile at me, "Of course I am. What about you?" He replies to my sarcasm with his own sarcasm.

I shrug, "If I'm not alive, how can I talk to you right now." I take another bite of my crepe before handing it to him, "Want some?" I ask him with a brow raised. He may be hungry and that is my responsibility to feed him.

He sighs before taking the offer, "Thanks." 

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