The Dinner and The Plan

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Haruka's POV

It has been a week after the school's festival. I went back to the way of killing, like always. I still can't forget that I beg for this. I sigh, this is so troublesome! Today, I vent my frustration by playing basketball alone after everyone went home. Each step I took, each throw I made, I let out frustrated breath and curses, hoping my brain would calm down. 

It took me quite long to cool down. Once I achieved that state, I clean up the gym before walking to the exit. When I look up the sky, I notice that it's already nearing dusk and I'm still at school. I lock the gym's door before I heard footsteps behind me.

"Haruka." A voice calls upon my name.

"Hmm? "I raise a brow, while turning around to meet the person.

He replied back. "Let's go. Everyone has gone home."

I looked around. Well, I have finished cleaning the gym and this is the last day of my punishment. I can go home now. I grabbed my bag and followed Akashi to the school gate.

"Why did you wait for me?" I asked him. He shoot me a glare but inside that glare, there's warmth.

"Is it a problem? You cleaned the gym for 3 weeks straight. I should show you my gratitude for your commitment." He replied back. I gave a silent chuckle. "Thank you." He's really impossible to predict. Sometimes he's nice and sometimes he isn't.

A limo stopped in front of us. Akashi went to open the door then gestured me to get in. I tilt my head to the side, "I'll go home by train." I turn around to walk away but he grab my arm before throwing me into the vehicle easily. How can he have that much strength? After a while, he went in. He sat in front of me. Both of us watching each other.

I'm sitting awkwardly because i just got thrown. With my hair that is messy, I look like a suspicious person.

"So where are we going until you have to kidnap me?" I asked him when the vehicle starts to move.

He whispered something to the driver before replying my answer. "A restaurant. My treat as a captain."

I nodded then leaned back. I make myself comfortable before looking outside the window. The sun is setting down. Humans still walking around. They aren't even afraid of their own safety?

"Your unexpectedly comfortable inside a limo. You must have ride a vehicle like this before, right?" Akashi asked me. I turned to face him and nodded. "Our family is rich. I have my own driver but I told him not too send or pick me up. You must know why, Akashi." I shrugged.

"Because you hate being in the center of attention." He replied, stating the obvious.

"Yeah, you got that right." I gave him a warm smile.

"Who's your brother?" Akashi continued to ask me.

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