♚Yosen High [2]♚

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Haruka's POV

Strong. They are strong but something is not right. I sigh as I stare at each of the players faces. I begin to think, is it okay for me to help these guys while I'm Rakuzan's basketball manager? Hmm, I guess it's fine because I only help them 'a little'. I shift on the bleachers. The coach is standing beside me and watching her players. We've come to an agreement to let them play a game before deciding a new skill to develop. Himuro and Murasakibara has a lot of hope. 


They are not serious at all.

My eye twitch slightly. I already have a plan in my mind but it wouldn't be polite for me to tell them to stop halfway through the game. So I decided to sit here and act like I care. After awhile, I found myself staring at Araki-sensei. I've met her somewhere. I ransack my memory box and come to found a buried name at the bottom. A neighbor who always come to play with me and my brother. 

I have a strong feeling that she's her but, it would be awkward if it's not. Taking a deep breath, I decided to ask her some questions just to make sure I'm not wrong. 

"Araki-sensei. Do you live in Kyoto before this?" I ask her, snapping her out of her focus. 

She change her focus to me before nodding, "Yes, why?" 

I nod slowly before replying, "Ja, did you have any recollections of anyone calling you, Raki-nee?" 

She become quiet for a moment and sweat trickle down my neck. Heh, this is just so awkward. Raki-nee used to play a lot with me and brother. She is the one who inspired me to learn kendo and also to fight back if someone hurt me. She is also someone who I warm up and trusted the most. She's like a big sister to me. Too bad, after getting in trouble during those childhood times, I receive news that she has move to somewhere else and completely lost contact with her. From Kyoto, we moved to Tokyo during middle school then back to Kyoto after that explosion happen. My brother drags me around and I never give a thought about it.

After blinking my eyes for a few times, I found her sitting down beside me before grabbing both of my shoulders. Her face nears mine as she exclaim in shock, "Wait! It can't be! Don't tell me you are, Ru-chan? You are Ru-chan, right?" 

I still remember a certain girl who calls me Ru-chan and it is Raki-nee. I flash a bright smile at her, "Then my guess is right! You are Raki-nee!" Both of us move to hug each other. 

After breaking the hug, she pats my shoulder, " It's been awhile hasn't it?" She wipes of a tear from her eye before continuing, "You've grown to be a beautiful girl, Ru-chan. Ahh, I'm so proud of you." 

I giggle at her reaction, "You are beautiful too, Raki-nee. By the way, how's your life after we lost contact?" 

She shrugs, "Pretty much normal. How about you? It must be tough to live alone with that annoying brother of yours." Since we always play together during little, she knows a lot about Shiki and ends up thinking him as annoying. 

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