♚Shutoku High♚

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Midorima's POV

The next morning I receive a call from Kise. This is surprising, why did he call me out of the sudden? I'm currently walking to school along with Takao. Today Oha Asa says that my lucky item is a fork. The cutlery is  in my other hand while the other one is holding the phone. I answer Kise's call. By the time I place the phone at my ear, I hear him crying. 

"WAHH!! MIDORIMACCHI!! HARUKACCHI IS SCARY! SHE IS SO SCARY THAT I WANT TO KILL MYSELF!" Kise screams from the other line. I raise a brow as I bring the phone away from my ear immediately because he is screeching. 

"Haruka? She's in your school?" I calm myself and ask him. 

"Yes, she just left yesterday evening though. She told me that she's going to Tokyo next and she will be in your school today. Have you meet her?" Kise replies, still recovering from crying. 

"No. I'm still on my way to school." I stated. I notice that Takao is eavesdropping and I don't care about that. 

"I'll give you an advice, Midorimacchi. Don't ask her for any help at all. Of course she will help you but in the end, she'll ask something for payment and it will be something embarrassing or torture! I ignorantly asked her to help out my basketball team and at the end of the day, we had muscle aches and we feel like barfing! She just sat there and laugh at our pain! She's a sadist, Midorimacchi! A first-rate sadistssu!" Kise stops his  blabbering with a screeching scream. I need to bring my phone away from my ear once again before talking to him back. 

"What is she doing in your school anyway, nanodayo?" I ask the blonde model, feeling curious about Haruka's appearance. 

"Hmm? You know that she is the champion of the recent kendo championship, right? So, she has to visit some selected school's kendo club and help out their members.." Kise explains to me. 

"Whatever. I'm nearing the school so bye." I reply before cutting off the call. Takao stare at me for a moment, "Nee, Shin-chan? Yesterday, there's a rumor spreading among the students that a new student will be coming. I think that friend of yours is the person ,hmm? So it's a girl?" He ask me and make his own conclusion. 

"Heh, like I care about her. She's nothing but just a person from the past." I roll my eyes around as we make a turn into our school's gate. 

We stop when we notice someone is leaning against the other side of the wall with a hoodie on and hands in the pockets. This person turns to face us, "Ara, ara. You will always be a tsundere, Midorima. You will never change, will you?" She turns with a smile. 

I become still for a moment. Remembering all the memories in middle school as Takao laughs at me, "Ne, do you know her, Shin-chan?" 

I didn't reply to that sly man as I stare down at Haruka who seems to be amused with my expression. "Shin-chan?" Takao faces me, he already stopped laughing. 

I narrow my eyes, "It's been awhile, hasn't it, Kanou Haruka?" She is giving evil vibes and I wonder where it comes from. 

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