♚Kuroh Ichiro♚

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The first thing I could remember is the time I spent my days with my mother. Father is always away, doing his own work. He appears to be cold and aloof and I grow to be scared of him but mother always comforted me, telling me that my father loved both of us dearly and he is just acting like that because that is how he is. 

She is my mother, and I trusted her blindly. 

She also told me that I will the one who'll continue my father's work as his son and I promise her that I'll do well. Ever since that day, there is a new goal in mind, to become someone who'll meet both of my parents expectation. My father has put quite a lot of rules for me despite my young age, but being a filial son, I decided to follow his orders to not offend him.

Growing up with that mentality until 8 years old, I meet up with Izuku and another guy whom you guys must have known. It is Abyss. I met Abyss first, my father brought him from somewhere I don't have any idea of. He is the first person, the first guy that I befriend with. He has a cousin but she was placed at another building, even so, I know her and we had a friendly relationship. After a year, Izuku came in along with his sister. His sister went to the same place as Abyss's cousin, Ritsu while Izuku remained with us two. It can be said that Abyss and Izuku were my playmates as I couldn't live alone in that house, trapped like an exotic bird. But, them being my playmates? More like making them growing up being killers.

Unfortunately, for the little us, we thought at last, we have found a good company which we can depend on each other. Becoming brothers, sworn to protect each others backs. The three of us make up a small group and played like other children at the clan's compound.

And that is just the beginning before it all breaks apart. 

As I grow up, I  notice the truth behind my mother's lies. Father is not someone who loves any of us. He only loves his job as the boss of the clan. The servants around us whom I thought are good people are actually vicious in their hearts. I only realize that when I manage to eavesdrop their conversation. From the words of both of my parents and my private tutors, this kind of people, I should eradicate them immediately but I'm still a 6 year old then, I only have a small power in that clan's hierarchy. 

Thinking that the clan becoming more and more evil, I think the cause of it is the negligence of my father. He cares only about the core members and leave the servants off. With that kind of thinking, I voice out my opinion to my mother, who is the best listener I can have in this world. She told me that I should learn from my father's mistake and create a better future for the clan with my own hands. 

Receiving the new found goal, I call Izuku and Abyss to share my thoughts and findings. Both of them agreed, saying that they feel the same. With the three of us agreeing to be the pinnacle powers of the clan in the future, we started to focus on our roles. Me being the next head of the clan, Izuku being the strategist and Abyss being my right-hand man. The three of us were just happy by then but it all change when I enter my 12th year. 

The day where my bullies are found dead and the police turning a blind eye to it, I realize what kind of bad things I'm bringing along in my life. I am a living disaster to those around me. And so, I realized how dangerous my father was as he force me to follow his evil ways. Following that, I realized my big mistake for believing him to guide me to be an excellent heir. Ever since then, I avoided that monster, not wanting to meet him, or even being near with him.

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