♚From Mafia to Stalker♚

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Your POV

I raise a brow right after he said that. He's going to bite me to death? (A/N: Kamikorosu means 'I'll bite you to death') Is he serious? How can a normal human bite another normal human to death?

Unless he means with something else. 

He lunges forward with his tonfas and I step to the side, avoiding his attack at the last minute. Ever since I confessed about my painful past, I decided to accept everything that has happened in the past and start a new book. 

To think that I this guy thinks he can hit me easily could make me laugh. 

Or maybe, make me run for my life instead. 

I huff, resting my hands on my hips, "Unno, demon-san. Do you have any business with me? I have to go to class right now." 

This raven-haired male tries to hit me again with his left tonfa but I use my arm to hold it off. Hey, hey. I know taekwando and jiujitsu. So, I'm not afraid to fight at all.

He lifts up his chin, giving me his impressed look. "Your quite strong, herbivore." 

I don't know if I should laugh or not, "I won't die until I become the most famous and successful actress in Japan. And you, won't get in my way." I say proudly, stating my dream. 

"Hnn." The raven-haired guy step back, hiding his tonfas behind his black coat. He turns around and walks away. 

"Oii! What's up with that? After you attack me, you run away? Excuse me, mister!" I call for him but he seems to not care about it. I only shrug it off before looking down to my wristwatch.

Only to found there's still little time until class starts.

(A/N: Hibari withdraws? Wow! Unexpected! Reader-chan is kinda fearless isn't she? Yeah but wait, remember that Hibari likes to toy with herbivores!)

I immediately sprint out of the garden only to meet a group of my classmates walking towards the gym together. All of them noticed me.

"(Y/N)? Why are you in a hurry?What did you do at the garden?" One of my classmates ask.

I put on my actor smile, "I'm just sniffing some flowers then I remember about P.E. Hehehe, typical me." They smiled back and walk off.

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god, I'm still on track of the time.

"Good job running on defending yourself." Haruka suddenly creeps behind me.

I jolt before slowly turning my head around, facing her, "Ahh, thanks for the compliment." Then something hit my thinking box, "WAIT, how can you know that?"

Haruka leans back, glancing at the trees I just ran out from, "After I change to P.E shirt, I walk alone towards the gym and saw a flock of birds flying off from those trees. I know something has happened and used my ability to see it. That's how I saw you and that guy named Hibari Kyoya."

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