EXTRA 3: This World That Easily Crumbles

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The third one is about the Assassination Squad after what happened to Mizu, Federica and Akashi. Caution, please don't rage after you read this chapter. It's a short chapter. Happy Reading!


Karasuma's POV

Me, Akashi, Mizu and Irina are sitting around a round table. We should be having a weekly meeting but looks like, this meeting becomes a farewell party.

"What do you mean by this, Mizu? Where's Federica?" I asked him.

He clicked his tongue and his face changed when I mentioned her name, "She's in Italy. Also, you must already received the letter of her withdrawal, right?"

I slowly clenched my jaw. Yesterday I received a withdrawal letter from being associated with the Ministry Of Defense. It's from Federica and was stamped by her own father. I thought it was just a prank but looks like it's the truth. The whole Ministry seems to be having problems since Haruka disappeared. People start leaving the Ministry. The higher-ups becomes more corrupted.

What kind of curse that has befallen us?

Irina and Akashi sat still on their chair. Irina watched the both of us that're exchanging glares. Akashi's face has changed color and Irina seems bored. She never act like this when we are having meetings. None of them would act like this. In the past, Mizu will always be the clown, Federica will be the one who yells at Mizu, Irina will always cling to me and Akashi will always watch us. His personality is just the same as Haruka.

Just watch from a distance. Only moves when noticed something wrong.

To bad, for today, none of them act like they always do.

"Karasuma, what are you thinking?" Irina ask with a bored voice.

I stare at her for a moment before replying, "I'm thinking about the future of this squad."

"There's no need for thinking. You can just hire someone else to replace her and also....." Mizu stopped talking for a moment. He took out a paper from his jacket and shove it towards me. " replace ME." He said with a harsh tone.

"Wha.." I raise a brow while reading the letter.

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