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I was an orphan yet I still have a family that is my cousin who is much younger. Her name is Ritsu and ever since our family fall into ruins and disappear from this world, both of us only have each other. 

Remembering that day when I'm still holding Ritsu, who is still an infant at our family's house, all I can say that it was chaos. Actually, both of us belong to a newly found yakuza family, whom I've already forgotten its name. Our parents are siblings that are the core members of this new family. Unfortunately, someone provoked a powerful force that brings  doom to the whole family. All I can remember is watching my parents trying their best to protect me and Ritsu before succumbing to their respective ends. 

And I thought it might be my end that day. 

Fortunately, the boss of this powerful force seems to pity me as he offers me a place to stay. He also told me that I can bring along the infant Ritsu as long as she won't cause trouble for his organization. I, who is still short-minded during that time, immediately agreed as I am still shaken to the fact that this man will definitely kill me if I didn't follow his orders. 

And that is how I ended up joining the Kuro Hebi. 

I was brought to the clan's inner core while Ritsu was brought to another place, as per my plead, to keep her away from danger. All those years separated, we still keep in touch. 

Inner core of the clan, by meaning, to become the playmate for the son of the man that brought me here. The man that slaughtered my parents. Of course, I bear a grudge towards him for what he has done but I was still a kid back then, I have no power nor ability to cut his throat. Then when I was told to become friends with his son, I thought I can use his son to path a way for me to kill him off. 

But after knowing his son after so long, that kind of thought gradually disappears from my mind. Kuro, is someone righteous and speaks his mind for others. He is full with positive aura, a different person from his father and me. Not so long after that, we received another playmate, his name is Izuku and he has that brotherly figure everyone needs. 

The three of us coexist happily, while beginning our training for our future purposes. All I can is that Izuku is the best with his mind and I'm the best with my all-rounded weapons mastery. Kuro is the best when it comes to leading the crowd and also, the best in martial arts. Despite our young age, we are quite respected within the clan's inner core. 

I know, that kind of glory is not good for any of us as it invites danger to our doorstep. Even so, our bonds are strong and could not be shaken. The three of us view each other as brothers, a strong bond that could never be break. Unfortunately, I was too early to say that. 

Kuro is bright, he realized the evil in the clan before me and Izuku did. He told us about it and both of us are horrified by it. Izuku and I have both younger family members that is residing in this clan. For them to have a big chance to be swallowed by this darkness, it took hold of our hearts. Thinking about the brighter future, the three of us agreed to cease the darkness and evil away and light a better path for the clan. We started to be serious in our in-training until that day comes where it tears the three of us apart. 

Kuro hated his father. I know that since I grow up with him. Behind that hatred there is fear. He feared his father just how much he hated him. That is the reason why Kuro doesn't like to mingle with his old man, always avoiding him if he can or leave that place that is within his presence in a swift. Izuku will follow Kuro, worried about his well-being. Normally, I would too but after a few attempts, I decided not to as I do not fear this man. I only hated him. Since I wish for his demise, I should be his trusted aide before killing him off. 

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