♚Unspoken Danger♚

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  A/N: I'm in a good mood right now so I thought I should post a new chapter. Enjoy 

Haruka's POV

I jump over bushes and continue running towards the scream. It's getting louder that means I'm near with the victim. Seriously, I can actually run in these geta without problems. I just need a little confidence and I'm good to go. 

I hide behind a tree bark as I stalk the group. There are 5 thugs surrounding a girl and they look like they are ready to release their dirty thoughts on her. I take some stones from the ground before throwing them at each of their heads. When I throw the stones, I already sprint to the opposite side, making them feel confuse. When their heads turn to search for the person who just threw them stones, I'm already behind them, a tree branch in hand. 

This is going to be messy as hell. 

I hit two of them in the head before kicking their spine harshly. When their bodies hit the ground, I step on their arm, dislocating it with my feet. Hearing those crunching noises, their other 3 friends turn to face me with shock faces.

Just for a moment though because they took out pocket knives. 

One of them grabs the girl and puts the sharp edge of is pocket knife at her neck while the other two surrounds me. I raise a brow, "You know, trying to threaten her is the worst way to get out of this mess." 

"Shut up. Get down before I slit her throat!" The thug yells at me. I see the spark of pain and nervousness in the students eye. If I attack the two thugs around me, there's a possibility this girl will die. With a grunt, I kneel on the ground. 

"Hands on your head!" One of them yells at me. I click my tongue as I do what he says. After awhile, they laugh, "Hahahaha, looks like we got another beautiful girl for our project. She's quiet a fight, you know I like this kind of girls." The thug that is holding the student state his evil intentions. 

I set my eyes on him, watching his movements tentatively. Right when he releases the girl and all three thugs circles me, I sweep their feet immediately. My movements are flawless like always. I stand up and run to the girl that is shivering badly. 

"Let's go before they get up." I give her a hand while keeping my eye on the three thugs that are groaning on the dirty ground.

"Yes!" She says as she grabs my hand and stands up. We run away, the thugs notice our actions and immediately chase after us. I glance at the girl that is running with me, she's slow and the thugs are nearing us. If we hide, they will find us. 

I stop running and push her to the front, "Continue to run away, I'll handle these guys." 

She looks back at me, "But, vice-president.."

I cut her sentence off, "Go search for the president. He knows what to do." I reply before running towards the thugs that are searching for us. I could hear her voice telling me thanks. shortly after that, her footsteps can't be heard anymore. 

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