The STORM (2)

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Haruka's POV

I manage to jump away just in time before my head will be decapitated. I breath out a sigh of relief. Curse myself for letting down my guard. I want to slap myself but for now, I guess I should let it go for now. Since, I'm in a really dangerous situation here. Where the current enemy is here, and an injured woman beside me. I have to take care of them two and I have to be fast to meet up with everyone.

I glared at my superior. He smirked. None of us spoke until the woman beside me spoke in a scared manner, "Father, please let Kanou-san go. Please don't hurt her!" She said while trying to move towards us. She crawled though. I think she doesn't have the energy to walk so she crawled. I want to reach for her but this mad man stepped further than me. 

I eyes widen as he kicked his own daughter's face many times. After 15 kicks at the stomach where she is stabbed, he stepped on her head and tried to pressure it down to the floor. "Shut up, you pitiful life. I regretted the day you are born." He said while smirking and continue to step on her head. The woman sobs alone while clutching her stomach, vulnerable. I know, he is testing me once again. It's either I'll run away or save the woman in front of me. I clicked my tongue before following my heart.

I can't watch someone torturing people.

I won't forgive anyone who decided to do something so low like that.

In a swift, two shiny daggers struck the mad man's leg. I threw it there so he will stop stepping on her head. He hissed before looking back at me but before he can do anything, my foot already found his face. His body flew away towards a nearby wall and a crack formed behind him. His body slides down to the floor. My eyes caught the sight of the sword he tried to slash me. I took it and wanted to stab his heart immediately but the woman's cry stopped me.

The building is going to explode. I think it's only me, this mad-man and this woman still in this building. The bomb will went off any moment right now. I can't be wasting my time pouring the rage of revenge on this pitiful low life who turns from normal to a mad guy. With one hand helping the woman to get up and the other one holds the weapon, I make a sprint for escape.

Even though deep in my heart, someone is saying that there is no escape.

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