♚My Past My Secret♚

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My past was filled with disasters. 

Yes, disasters, tragedies, betrayal....all of them are mixed.

Nee, HarukaSorry for being spoilt but...

Would you kindly hear a fairy tale story from me?

I'm a really energetic child. I'm blessed with a really wonderful family and neighbors. My parents told me that I'm destined for something greater that I would even imagined. 

 Or I should call her my twin.   

Remembering that first piece of memory brings back the nostalgia time when I first met my little sister.

We were always together. It's like we can never be separated. We share an unbreakable bond and vowed to stay together forever. Unfortunately, the fate is stronger than our bond. On our 4th birthday, our parents brought us to a beach and both of us went for a swim. We splash the water to each other faces, playing ball and swam together. We never thought the sea current was slowly increasing. We noticed the danger we have to face when our parents desperately called for us who were still playing in the water. 

We reached for each other hands as the sea current continued to pull us to the deepest sea level. I was scared. Yes, I'm admitting that I'm a scaredy-cat. I'm afraid I'll die. Yet, for my twin, she's strong. She has so such determination and guts to save both of us. I still remember what she said, "We will achieve our dreams, (Y/N)! We should not die now!" 

The current becomes wilder and it's at the state of merciless. While being pulled away from the shore by the waves, I could see my parents crying at the beach, crying for help. A man jumped into the sea and helped us. My hand was still attached to my twin. I would never let her go even though I know she has grown limp since she just used most of her energy to back me up. I used all my power to reach the kind man who tried to reach for us. All I wanted was to make sure my sister safe. She's 2 minutes younger than me and I know she will be a better person than me. I want her to survive. I won't ask anything more than that.

When the man pulled us into his embrace, a wave smashed us and the three of us went under water. The man brought us up and when I opened my eyes, I realized my twin's hand was gone from mine. I look around even though tired and noticed she's being drag away by the current. Her limp body and pale skin showed a horrified expression. I screamed for the man to help her and he tried his best to save both us. 

Both of us was dragged to the shore and I found out that I'm okay. While my twin, she's in a dangerous situation. Her lungs were already filled with sea water and her heartbeat was slowing at a drastic rate. I was scared yet once again. I don't want to lose her. I don't want to be alone. I wished for her survival.

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