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Haruka's POV

I immediately look back as if someone is staring at me but there are no suspicious person hiding or walking behind me. It's good that I'm already in school grounds. More protection. Like I care. Once I know who is the person is, I'm going to beat him or her to a pulp. 

"Good morning, vice president!" 

"Good morning Kanou-san!" 

"You look beautiful like always, Haruka-chan!" 

Students gave their greetings and compliments and I reply back with a smile. The greetings are fine but the compliments, sometimes they are just cringe worthy. Still, my stalker could be one of them but I do not suspect anyone here because everyone does not meet the requirements to become a stalker or a spy. How do I know? I have someone who was once a spy by my side, right? Of course I know the requirements to be one. 

"I have a feeling you are talking about me, Haruka." Seijuro's voice cut me off from my train of thoughts. 

I turn around to face him, he must arrived earlier than me, "And you always knew what I'm talking about." I grip my bag strap before continuing, "Why are you at the front gate? Is there anything you want to check out?" 

He rest his hand on his hip, "Someone is tailing me ever since I step out of the house." He replies, shooting glares at people around us. 

I nod slowly before replying, "So, you have a stalker just like me? Oi,oi, this sounds fantastic! Don't tell me there are people targeting us?" I glance backwards, I swore I saw a movement by the vehicles outside the school. 

I hear the red head's scoff before feeling his hand patting my shoulder, "I'll tell you, Haruka. Those snakes are targeting us since the start of the year. Consider it as bad news." He raise his brow, mocking me. 

I click my tongue, "I know. I know. Sorry for acting stupid for a moment there, mr-know-it-all." I cross my arms over my chest before continuing, "So, could you please tell me the real reason for you to come back all the way here, to the school's gate?" I look up to him with a raised brow, "Because, knowing you, searching for a stalker out in the open is not your style, at all, Seijuro-kun." 

He stares at me for a moment before sighing, "I'll be greeting guests, on principal's orders." 

I step nearer to him, "Ehh? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" 

He narrows his gaze, "Because I'm the one who will be doing this job." 

I knit my eyebrows together, "You sure you don't need my help?" 

He didn't nod, "Yes. I'm very sure." 

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