♚Double Trouble♚

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Haruka's POV

I smile at everyone as they look at me in horror. Raising a brow, I look at Seijuro who's sitting beside me. His eyes stare into mine as he knit his eyebrows, thinking about something.Well, I told Seijuro that I met someone who ran away from home and directed him to Mizu so that he can seek protection. I didn't tell him that person's identity. He may been thinking about that. I can't blame him for looking surprised. 

Suddenly, Reborn appears before me, smiling darkly as he stare up to me from the coffee table in front . "Oh, you've met that guy? How is he?" He jumps on my thigh and tilt his head to the side. 

I fight the urge to tell him that this 'person' has ran away from home but stop when I feel Seijuro's hand grabbing mine, squeezing it tight. It's like he is telling me not to tell Reborn but why? I shot a glance at him and he mouthed 'don't' without looking at me. I narrow my gaze at Reborn, "Him? He's fine. Just exchanged some words before parting away." I mutter my lie but I have to keep in mind that Reborn can easily detect any lie. 

I hear a sigh coming from the table before my brother standing up. He walks towards me, picks up Reborn and throw him away from me. Before I could even retort back, he grab me by the arm and drag me out of the room. As he open the door, he looks back at the occupants at the table, "Sorry, but this family needs a little talk." I give a look at him as he close the double doors behind him. 

"Haruka,  shut up." This is the first time I see those dead eyes after all these years. He knows I will immediately ask him question once we are outside. "Just follow me." He spare a glance at me before walking away. I start to contemplate  about my brother's condition in silence. After a few seconds, I make up my mind to follow my baka-aniki. 

He stop at a place where it quite shady. It's still on the same floor. He turns around to face me, leaning against the wall as he cross his hands over his chest. "Before we start talking, do what you must." He says in a low tone. 

I nod before taking off the mic that was attached at my thigh. I noticed it when Shiki drag me out of the room. Looks like Reborn knows he will drag me out. That may be the reason why he resort to this tactic. I crush the little mic with my thumb and index finger. I look back at my big brother that appears to be in a complete bad mood. 

"So, how are you going to explain to me about this? For not telling me such an important thing, are you insane?" My brother force a smile on his face. 

I shrug, "Look, I'm sorry. I thought it's a good idea to share the information along with others. What's the problem anyway?" I muster my strength just to look back at him. 

He smirk and raise a brow at me, "Problem? Of course it's a problem. Thank god your boyfriend warned you about not telling that midget. If he didn't, the information will reach the government's ears and they'll do anything to get what they want." He's not bluffing. He's angered. 

I take a step back, "Okay, okay. I admit that this is my fault. But isn't that a good thing? We are joining up with the government, right? Why should we keep this as a secret?" I ask him, even though I know it's not a good thing to do. 

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