Extra 2: The World Without Love

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So, the second one is about Mizu and Federica. Get ready for another sad chapter :3


Federica's POV

Having a discussion with Mizu sometimes gives me a headache since he will always avert his attention elsewhere. In the end, I'm the one who's doing most of the work while he keeps on pestering the the meeting room.If you are here in my stead, I guess you will see Mizu like a crazy man.

"Mizu, stop doing stupid things and help me with the paperwork. It's already 2 hours and we haven't started our meeting yet." I said.

He stopped tapping his fingers on the table, "If I do the paperwork instead of you, everything will be messed up. I'm not good with papers."

I sighed. "Whatever. Let's set aside the papers and start the meeting. You call Karasuma and Akashi. I'll call Irina."

He nodded. "Understood." He took out his phone and dialed their numbers.

By the time we assembled, Karasuma told us about the approval of the higher-ups to make a search team for Haruka. Everyone was happy when they heard about it except for Akashi. For the whole meeting, he keeps on looking bored, no emotions and rage. Well, all of his emotions are kept in his eyes and he didn't show it to us. When we ask, he will respond.

I knew something has happened.

"Do you guys know that Haruka's past comrades, Shiro Hitomi and Shiro Yusuke were dead?" Suddenly Irina stated a bad news. Everyone gives their condolences but for Akashi he nodded and I could see his eyes becomes harder. I brushed it off since I thought it was just my imagination. I tend to imagine many things now days.

The meeting goes on like usual. One of the new things is that Akashi was appointed as the new Strategist for our squad. After that, there's nothing important and all of us started to live. After everyone left, I stretched my hands to the air and let out a huge sigh. I just remembered that I'll be going back home next week.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped itself around my neck. It caught me off guard and made me panic for a second. Fortunately, I recognize the scent of the person who just hugged me from behind. I glance back and noticed his face was rested on my head. I sighed.

"Why are you hugging me, Mizu? There's no time for friendly hugs." I said while trying to get out of his grip.

I could him sigh and saw him frown for a moment before replying, "Sorry. I'm just recharging after the meeting. I'm exhausted."

I rolled my eyes, "The meeting only last for 1 hour and you are already tired? What kind of Yakuza boss are you? If you continue to act like this, my family will destroy your family! Now let me go!" His hands immediately let me go and I stand up. Mizu moves back in a swift and becomes silent.

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