♚What We Gain and Lose♚

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Haruka's POV

I look at the vast ocean and the town's port that spreads in front of me

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I look at the vast ocean and the town's port that spreads in front of me. I'm resting by the rails on top of a hill that faces the ocean. Yesterday has made me use my head a lot. If it's true that Federica's enemy is here, at the same place as us, why won't they just come out from hiding and go for the kill? Federica were losing allies from the start of their little war. And now, only a few people stayed close to her. Even adding us, it won't be enough to go against an army of them. 

That right-hand man must be intelligent. Or maybe, there is an agenda behind it. 

"You know, my mother once said that 'it is pointless to believe what you see, if you only see what you believe'." Kuro steps beside me, "Why would Federica's father choose that man to become his right-hand man if it will come to this?" He has his hair tied up as usual.

True. It's true what Kuro said. That man must have another agenda other than killing the Ambrogio siblings. His actions are weird and clouding away our logical judgement.  "Maybe that is also the reason why Federica hasn't strike seriously."

Kuro and I wait by the sea for  Mei, the short hair girl who is one of Federica's confidants. This place is rather weird to meet up, if I say so myself. It's too open. 

"By the way, do you have any idea where Mizu and Akashi are? They just say their  goodbyes this morning before leaving the house." Kuro ask me, leaning against the railing behind us. The wind blows and bits of our locks flew in front of us. 

"Something must be in their mind. Those two can be quite a mischief." I don't really know if I should group Seijuro as mischievous. 

Kuro joins both of his hands behind his head, "Hmm, but still it's weird." He glances at me skeptically before jumping to the front in a playful style, "Well, there is no use being curious about those two. It's better if we settle ours first." He places his hands on his hips. 

I chuckle, "I agree with you." 

There is a noise in the bushes a few meters away before the short hair girl named Mei walk to us with a unsatisfied face, "Sheesh, both of you ruined the hide and seek." She stop in front of us. I notice that she has a scarf tied around her neck and she wears a normal t-shirt with a pair of slacks. Her boots looks like it can be used for jungle trekking. 

"If you want to hide from us, do a better job next time."  I walk away from the railing and nears her. "So, what is the current state of affairs?" 

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