♚Badassery Is The Best Policy♚

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(A/N: Let me give you guys some Hibari fanservice. Ohh another one down here. Hehehehe >.<)


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Your POV

I still don't understand what is the purpose of this walking around. Taking a day off from acting could end up in boredom. Now, I'm just walking around in the forest, searching for any inhabitants that may help me get rid of this boredom. 

Someone jump down from a tree in front of me. I stop in my tracks abruptly considering it's something unexpected. Looking down, I see my butler is crouching down while looking up at me. 

Raising a brow, I open my mouth, "Could you explain what is the meaning of this, Ono? Why should I run along this endless forest?"  

The man stands up, still with that dark shades and white butler outfit, replying to my question, "It's a game organized by Shiki. The aim of this activity is to test your endurance and strength in order to be qualified for the game." 

What? Since when there's a game? "A game? What game?" 

He only laughs a little before patting my shoulder, "Do you remember about the problem we discussed just now about the underground world hunting all of us down? Yes, I'm talking about that. For that devious and unfathomable man, all of that is a just a game for him." Brushing away imaginary dust from my shoulder, he continues, "That's what kind of man he is." He slightly smile. 

I return back his smile, it's true that Haruka's big brother can be quite unpredictable just like his sister but there's something hidden behind all of his actions. Through my keen eyes and excellent observation skills proved that he is bipolar because sometimes he acts childish and sometimes he acts serious and when that happens, it spells danger for the person that caused it. 

Haruka seems to notice that. Pftt, of course she does. She's his sister after all. I wonder what caused him to act like that. 

"So, what should I even do? And what are you even doing here?" I ask him. 

He shrugs, "Don't worry, (y/n). You don't have to do anything. The plan is to attack you and test if you can escape my attacks even though I'm going easy on you. Too bad, I refuse to hurt the beautiful actress that may become the most popular woman in Japan. Besides, I think it's a crazy idea for me to suddenly hurt you out of sudden." He explains it, looking happy like always. 

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