24. Tears (CALM)

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Luke: Bc I feel like he's the most prone to randomly crying...

It was raining outside. How did you know? Because Luke forgot to pick you up from school. Again. Forcing you to walk home while buckets of water were falling from the sky. You were sure that your stuff was all soaked in your backpack, and to make it worse, you had brought home all of your math review for a large test you were having the next day. Honestly, you were beyond furious, you had TEXTED Luke reminders to pick you up throughout the day, and he would always tell you not to worry and he would be there. Stomping up to the door, you nearly put a hole in the drywall from opening it too hard, but you barely noticed, as you could only see red. You ripped off your soaked jacket, dropped your backpack on the floor, and slammed the door shut.

You began to stalk through the house, screaming for Luke to come out and face you like a man, but there was no reply. Unlucky for your wimpy older brother, he had left his car parked out in the driveway, so you knew he was home, and most likely hiding from you. Taking a methodical approach, your anger died down to a cold detachment as you searched the house from top to bottom. He was not going to get away from you this time, and he was going to remember to get you the next time.

As you passed through the kitchen, there was a slight shuffling sound from inside the pantry, and at once you knew Luke had been caught. Turning towards the door, you silently crept towards your prey, hoping for the element of surprise. Your hand was reaching out ever so slowly towards the door when it burst open, and a frantic Luke came bolting out, running right past you. In his haste, he hadn't noticed the fact that the door had bent one of your fingers back farther than it should've. Normally, you would break down at this point and maybe have a good cry to make up for a miserable day, but right now, all you felt was the blinding anger bubbling back up and you ran after him anyway, ignoring the pain in your extremity.

You caught up to him just as he went to run up the stairs, grabbing the back of his shirt, making him fall face first onto the floor.

"Ow Y/N! That was mean!" He groaned, turning onto his back and cupping his nose.

"YOU'RE MEAN!" You sobbed, feeling so overwhelmed by your own emotions and the now swollen finger.

"Are you okay?" You realized that Luke hadn't seen you when you first came in, and now was just beginning to understand the gravity of the situation.

"NO!" You wailed falling on top of him and crying into his shirt, upset over everything. You were still sopping wet, soaked to the bone, and as your anger deflated, it started to catch up to you and you shivered. You hoped that Luke was uncomfortable too, he had already taken out your punching hand, so there wasn't much else you could do.

"Shhhhhhh," he rubbed your back, clearly confused, "Do you want to tell me what's going on?"

"I got a lot of homework, and my backpack is heavy, and I have a math test tomorrow, and I'M ALL WET, AND YOU FORGOT ME, AND MY HAND HUUUUURTS!" You really didn't care at this point that you were whining and throwing a temper tantrum like a small child, as you just felt awful and needed the comfort.

"Ok, ok, first things first, let me see your hand," he shifted, sitting up and cradling you in his arms like a small child. Luke carefully lifted up the clearly damaged hand, and inspected it while you hid your face in his shirt, sniffling.

"Is it bad?" You were beginning to pull it all back together, but you still weren't sure you wanted to see the damage.

"Well, I have some good news," Luke ignored your question and continued, "If I'm right, you broke your hand and won't be at school tomorrow! So no test!" He said a little too cheerily, standing up and setting you on your feet.

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