82. You Get Into A Fight At School - Ashton

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Part 2/4

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Y'all the Calum part for this chapter was #169 😂

I have the sense of humor of a twelve year old boy

If you're wondering why there was no update yesterday it's because I literally had 5 hours of homework and my rule is that if I can't start writing by 10:30 PM then I don't 🙁

SORRY IF YOUR NAME IS TATIANA, I JUST CHECKED YAHOO ANSWERS AND THEY SUGGESTED IT WHEN I GOOGLED "bitchy girl names" this was the question- "what r some good girl names that you hear and just think what a beeatch!"

"This lasagna is so nasty that Garfield wouldn't even eat it," Y/BFF/N complained as he poked at his school lunch.

The cafeteria was hustling and bustling with your classmates as everyone scrambled to grab their lunches. You watched as kids expertly wove through each other, trays piled high with the disgusting "food" of your school's cafeteria.

"Don't you think that Garfield would've been more of a lasagna snob? I mean I don't think that anyone in their right minds would eat this," you sighed, poking at your own lunch. Your tray had a compartment for each of the food groups, but what you got was a gelatinous slab of lasagna, a sad looking apple, and a handful of slimy corn. It's only redeeming quality was a cookie, you hadn't tried it yet, but you were hoping that it was chocolate chip and not oatmeal raisin. Overall, the food was hardly appetizing, you far preferred pushing it around the tray over putting it in your mouth.

You had no idea how Y/BFF/N ate that crap everyday, you normally brought a lunch, but you had a rather rushed morning after none of your alarms went off. Apparently that was Calum's fault after he had drunkenly come home with your brother and moved all the clocks three hours and twenty-seven minutes off. Including your alarm clock. Your phone also wasn't where you left it, and after a few minutes of panicked searching, you located it, just sitting in the microwave. Luckily, it didn't seem as though Calum had gone as far as microwaving it. If he had you would've had no choice but to steal his favorite pair of skinny jeans. He coveted them despite the fact that he owned probably a dozen others of the same size, fit, and brand. He claimed that they were "lucky" and "made his ass look like Kim K's" you personally had no idea as to what he was talking about, but he was adamant and you didn't stare at his butt enough to really know for sure.

Either way, you hadn't gotten a breakfast and you had no other lunch. The cafeteria food seemed like your only option, you weren't made to skip meals. Not eating for long periods of time made you feel sick and faint, you swore that your hands started shaking from how hungry you were, but Y/BFF/N said that you were a drama queen and threw a granola bar at your face.

That single granola bar wasn't enough to sustain your for long though, so you had been cautiously optimistic about being able to eat whatever it was they were serving. That emotion was gone now, along with your appetite as you poked at the lasagna with your fork and grimaced as it jiggled side to side.

"Look. At. This," you said, you were horrified, but also fascinated by whatever it was that your school was trying to pass off as lasagna.

"Well stop poking it then," Y/BFF/N rolled his eyes as he took another huge bite out of it.

"What does it taste like?" You watched Y/BFF/N swallow the lasagna and then take off another large scoop.

"If you don't smell it, then it's not half bad," he shrugged, continuing to eat his lunch.

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