Sick Sis

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June 28th, 5:29 AM

Maddie had just fed her babies and decided to watch a movie. "You two will love this one, I grew up watching it," Cleo walked in. "Finding Nemo, huh? Good choice," "Yeah, I figured we grew up with it, so should they," 

5:48 AM

They had gotten to the meeting with the sharks.

"I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, NOT food!"

Maddie had just noticed something. "Wait, have these two been asleep the whole time?" they both laughed. "Well, we can always try again when they're older," Cleo replied. "You want me to put them back in their cribs?" she asked. "Um..okay," Maddie hesitantly handed the babies over to their aunt Cleo. 

(Pause story)

Maddie and Cleo each have twin daughters. At this time, their babies are 5 months old. For the full story, read RRS Teen Mom. (Not fully published yet)

(Resume story)

5:53 AM

Cleo returned to the living room just in time for.... the chase scene!! "Oh, perfect timing I see,"

"Es-ca-pé! Wonder what that means it's funny. It's spelled just like the word escape,"

Maddie laughed. "Es-ca-pé" "Never gets old," Cleo added. "Yeah, Dory is such a good charac-" Something raided Maddie's nose, and triggered what was probably the most adorable sneeze anyone would ever hear. "You okay?" Cleo asked. "I'm fine, it was jus-" another sneeze. And another. And another. Cleo felt her forehead. "Oh, Maddie, you have a fever," All she got as a reply was a series of --really adorable-- sneezes. "I'll be right back, I just need to make a quick phone call," She walked into the kitchen to grab the proper equipment. 3 rings and she picked up. "Morning, my child," "Hey Toriel, do you think you can babysit for us? Maddie's sick, so I'll be busy taking care of her," "Of course, I'll be right there," she hung up. Cleo then gathered everything she needed: some medicine, a LOT of tissues, a thermometer, Maddie's water bottle, completely filled, and a bucket lined with a plastic bag, just in case.

5:59 AM

Maddie felt it at the back of her throat. She swallowed hard, trying to keep everything in her stomach. That didn't help. There it was again. Cleo had returned fully equipped. Maddie immediately grabbed the bucket. She couldn't keep it contained anymore. Surprisingly, Cleo was the least bit disgusted. She just felt bad for her sister having to endure this onslaught. She reached out for the bucket but nope, there was more. Cleo thought she was done, but there was still some left. "Damn. How much did you eat this morning?!" she asked. That bucket was 10" tall and the brim had an 8" diameter. And Maddie had filled it about 4/5 of the way! "I just had a cappuccino and a few muffins." "How many do you mean by 'a few'?" Cleo continued. "Four," her sister answered. "Maddie," Cleo knew she lied. There was NO way that bucket only had four muffins in it. "Ten," she replied truthfully this time. Cleo didn't know how to feel about that. "Unbelievable! Maddie Sophia Anderson, you need to learn how to keep that big appetite of yours under control!" she yelled. But then she saw Maddie's face was pale and she was shivering like nuts. Her senses flooded with instant regret. "Starting, after we get rid of this fever," she added before leaving.

6:02 AM

Cleo returned with a blanket and another plastic bag. She then took Maddie's temperature: 106.3. Maddie saw the bottle of medicine and buried herself under the blanket. She put up a fight for quite a while before finally taking it. Cleo didn't blame her, as it was disgusting stuff. She gave Maddie her water bottle, which was chugged in less than a second. Cleo then facepalmed. "Agh, how could I be such an idiot?!" Maddie was puzzled. "I'm so sorry. Agh, I gave you medicine AND water, both of which are bad for an empty stomach," Panicked, Cleo called Dr. Alphys. She explained what she did and asked what to expect. "D-depends. What did you g-give her?" Cleo read the label. "Tylenol," "Y-you said she got w-water, right?" "Immediately after," "Okay, t-then you should be f-fine," Alphys hung up. "Guess I made a fret over nothing," she muttered to herself before pausing the movie. "Hey!" Maddie snapped weakly. "I'll bring the disk up to you so you can finish watching on your laptop," she walked up to the staircase. "Up. Off the couch," Cleo was in disbelief. "Never in my life, have I thought I'd EVER say those words to you," "I was hoping no one would ever HAVE to ever say that to me," Maddie responded as she started walking up to her room, sneezing constantly on the way. Cleo then grabbed the disk out of the Blu-ray player, along with a few other movies she knew Maddie liked, such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Big Hero 6, all 5 of the Ice Age series, all 4 of the Spy Kids series, and both of the Camp Rock series. Something stopped her. "Stairs," she moaned. "My nemesis,"

(Pause story)

Cleo had been living with a lot of pain in her limbs, specifically her thighs and forearms. It started off small when she was 13 1/2, then worsened over time. Now at age 16, she finally went to the doctor a month ago, and had just recently rediscovered how it felt to not be in pain. Now she could comfortably walk again and carry light things, such as a bunch of movie cases, but it was still incredibly painful to walk up the stairs. Walking down the stairs wasn't a problem, but she had to walk up the stairs.

(Resume story)

"Just did it half an hour ago, I can do it again, okay here we go," she monologued before taking the first step. Pain shot into her thigh instantly. Now for the second step. This time, it was her other thigh that hurt. After that, she kept treading the steps one by one. "I wish..we had...installed elevators," she complained between breaths. She walked into Maddie's bedroom victoriously and neatly set the movies on her nightstand. Maddie grabbed her headphones and fed the disk to her laptop. Cleo felt her forehead again. Nothing had changed. "You want anything else? I can make you toast," she asked. Maddie nodded.

6:14 AM

Maddie's phone chimed. It was a text from Cleo. "Sent Helper Bot up there. Sorry I couldn't come up myself. The stairs are just too much," "It's fine. I know you have trouble with certain things," She then saw the little droid roll up to her bed. "Your toast Maddie, courtesy of Cleo," the droid then rolled back downstairs. "Hey, can you PLEASE change his voice? He sounds SO annoying as a Dalek," she texted. "Sorry. I know it's annoying, but I built him when I was 8 so, I'd feel really bad about making any changes to him," Cleo replied. "So, maybe the Dalek voice isn't meant for Helper Bot. I'll work on a different one," she added. Maddie assumed Cleo just heard his voice again and had enough of it. 

1:36 PM

Cleo actually walked up to Maddie's bedroom herself to see if she was any better. She opened the door to see Maddie sound asleep. Cleo was never a fan of disturbing someone sleeping, but she placed her hand on her sister's forehead regardless. Her fever was still there, but at least it was getting better, and most of the color on her face had returned. 

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