Food vs. Thunder

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March 5th, 5:47 PM

May and Mettaton were watching Lilo and Stitch together. "He's so cute and fluffy!" May did a very good Stitch voice. She saw a flash from outside and snuggled up close to Mettaton, shaking, trying not to whimper. "It's okay. Metta's here," "Exactly, so I'm not scared," she huddled closer when she heard thunder. "I love you," she realized she was shaking. "Is it cold in here?" Mettaton pulled her close. "May, there's no shame in being afraid. You don't have to pretend you're not," May looked up into his eyes. "There is if it's the most pathetic fear in the universe!" Mettaton pet her head and began using heat magic. May could hear him breathing heavily and looked up. "Sorry May. I shouldn't make this about myself, but heat magic is very exhausting," his voice began to distort. May paused the movie, grabbed a cable, plugged him in, lay him down on the couch, and crawled on top of him, using him as a pillow.

6:22 PM

As Mettaton removed the cable from his neck, he saw May snap awake. "Bad dream?" May nodded. "We were at a restaurant, and someone slipped something deadly into my order," Mettaton didn't think it would be a good time to mention that it was time for dinner right now, but May looked like she was starving! As if on cue, May's stomach let out a rumble. "I know what you're thinking, but there's no way I could eat after that nightmare!" Mettaton as gently as possible slid May off of him and on the couch and he made his way to the kitchen. "I got an idea. Just have an open mind." When he looked back May was looking at him with those big puppy dog eyes. It took all his willpower to keep moving into the kitchen.

6:24 PM

Mettaton returned with a plate of hash browns, bacon, and scrambled eggs. (all with ketchup of course!) He joined May on the couch and held out a fork of hash browns. "Nu," May turned her head away from the fork, not letting it even get close to her mouth. "Come on May, I know this is your favorite. You're just being stubborn." He lifted the fork again just so May can turn even farther away. She held her stomach as it let out more rumbles. Mettaton had one more trick in mind. But it was risky...He put the fork down, "Fine, I'll just throw this away." Before he could take 4 steps he felt May slam into him from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist. "No, wait! Don't leave me here." Mettaton looked down at her. "If you're not going to eat, then I need to go and..." May squeezed him tighter and he tried not to wince. "Ok...fine, give me the plate." They returned to the couch and resumed the movie. The plate was set down on the coffee table. At first, May didn't touch it, she just wanted snuggles. The sound of thunder filled the room as she held onto Mettaton tightly, whimpering like a frightened little puppy. "Shhhhhhh, it's okay," As he was hugging May with one arm, Mettaton used his other to pick up the fork. He knew May was scared right now, but even May figured that it wasn't as bad if she had a full stomach.

6:28 PM

Mettaton had gotten May to eat half the stuff on her plate. She didn't seem to be hungry anymore, but that was not enough food to get her through the rest of the day, especially if she would be awake for the next 6 hours. Seemed like she knew what he was thinking, or maybe she was just scared he would leave if that plate was not empty. She had to admit to herself, this food was so yummy! "Note to self: never refuse breakfast!" she thought as she sank her teeth into a slice of bacon. Once all the food was gone, May crawled on top of Mettaton, snuggling with him. "You feel so much better with something in your belly don't you?" He pat her stomach and bundled her up in a blanket. She saw lightning and began shaking. "Metta's here, Metta's here." He gave her a small dose of heat magic. "Shhhhhh, it's okay,"

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