Where? Where? Where?

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May 13th, 3:01 PM

May had just gotten home and began angrily staring at a chair. "Stupid chair, stupid April," She had no idea what she had against chairs, she just hated them, but she definitely had her reasons for hating April. Seriously? Did she have to rub it in her face that she didn't have to work for skills that May did? It just wasn't fair! And she considered Mettaton a parasite. Really? It was May's boyfriend, April needed to keep her nose out of their relationship. Throwing him down the stairs? Splashing him with water? She nearly killed him, twice! Earlier that day, May and April were walking home. Mettaton usually picked her up, but he said he needed to go "shopping". So she was stuck walking, with April no less. They were walking through the park when April picked up a softball. "Bet you I can make it in that basketball hoop over there." Before May could respond, April chucked. May should know by now to not be surprised...but she still was when the ball flew through the net. "Hey. Did something happen today?" May explained everything on her mind to Mettaton. "...I mean come on. We get it. You didn't have to work for skills that we did, so stop rubbing it in our faces!" Mettaton rolled his eyes. "Well, how do you think other students feel, other students who have been going to school for most of their lives, putting in hours of work just to get a C, when there's a girl who's only been at school for 4 months now, and getting As like snap?" May never thought about that. What an idiot she was to complain about being bored in class! She never stopped to think 'why am I the only person who's bored?' so dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb! Without another word, May turned and walked away.

4:16 PM

May had been hiding out in her room, drawing in her sketchbook, when one of Maddie's cats came in, with a tissue box. It shook its head, trying to get out. May picked it up and gently wriggled the box off its head. Now that she could see its face, she knew it was Marky. He looked embarrassed. May pet his head. "Aw, it's okay, every cat gets their head stuck in cardboard from time to time," "Has anyone seen Maddie?!" Cleo called out. May poked her head out into the hallway. "She said she was going out on a run after softball, something about a new trail she wanted to try out," "And she hasn't come back?" Wait, wasn't it normal for people to go out on a run and be gone for an hour? Well, actually, that wasn't normal for Maddie. She usually returned in around half an hour, if not, well, she never ventured far, she kept her runs in town.

4:47 PM

The squad has been searching for Maddie as soon as Cleo realized she had been gone for too long. At first, they didn't think too much of it. Just thought Cleo was being... well Cleo. After they split up and searched all her usual paths and found no sign of her is when they really started to worry.

9:03 PM

Cleo left the Police Department feeling even worse than when she entered it. "What kind of policy is that?! There's no way I am going to wait 24 hours to do anything." Cleo muttered to her self as she made her way back to the condo.

9:24 PM

"Hey! Where are you going?!" May called out to a rushing Cleo, April stuck her head out of the kitchen door to see what was going on. Cleo was just about to run out the door when she turned around and said "I'm going to find Maddie. When we get back you two are getting sibling 101 lessons because you could not be doing it more wrong." May and April glanced at each other as Cleo slammed the door behind her.

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